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There is no power
Ensure the AC power cord is connected securely.
Ensure the plug is fully inserted into the wall socket and is switched on.
Check fuse in the mains plug or adaptor.
The Player will not read the disc
Check the disc is not loaded upside down.
Check that the disc is not too scratched or dirty.
The disc type is not supported by this unit.
Check its region and type.
Functions on some discs may not work on this unit. This is not a malfunction of the
There is no picture
Check that the video cable is connected properly.
Check that the TV input is selected correctly.
Check that the video format is supported.
Check that the 'Pure Audio' mode is not enabled.
The Disc is skipping
Check that the disc is not too scratched or dirty.
Ensure that the CXUHD is on a rm surface and not subject to vibrations.
Remote Control is not working
The batteries are at.
The remote is too far from the unit or out of the eective range.
Files on a connected USB device do not play
If the USB drive is incompatible, or the player encounters errors while reading the
USB drive or ash memory card, the screen displays "Device Error". In this case
please verify that the USB drive is compatible, and try to unplug the device and
re-insert again.
In some cases, an incompatible USB device may cause the CXUHD to stop
responding. If this occurs simply turn o the power, remove the USB device, and
turn the player back on.
The le type is incompatible. Check the supported le types.
The drive requires too much power from the USB socket.
Problems using HDMI
Ensure that your screen supports HDCP (High-Denition Copy Protection).
Ensure your screen is capable of displaying the resolution being output by the Blu-
ray player.
Note: Cables which run over 5m may cause sync or grounding issues.
For more frequently asked questions (FAQs), technical advice and information on
getting the most out of your CXUHD, please visit the Support section on Cambridge
Audio's website:
Technical specications
Disc types UHD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, DVD-Video,
DVD-Audio, AVCHD, SACD, CD, Kodak Picture
BD Prole BD-ROM Version 3.1 Prole 6
(also compatible with BD-ROM Version 2.5
Prole 5)
Decoder Mediatek MTK8591
External Storage 2 x USB 3.0
Video Frame Rates 24Hz/50Hz/60Hz
Video format/le format MPEG2, MPEG 2 HD, MPEG4, MPEG4 support
HD, AVC, VC-1, XVID, AVI, AVC, MKV (4.1),
Audio le format support AAC, WMA, MP3, APE, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV
Picture le format support JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG
Whilst we strive to maintain maximum le compatibility, because of inconsistencies
in how some le formats are generated and a constantly changing industry we
cannot guarantee the playability of all le formats above.
• BD ISO les are not supported for copyright reasons.
Some forms of M4A, WMA or APE with embedded covers are not supported.
HDMI input and output 1 Video
480p/480i, 3D frame-packing 720p/1080p24.
up to 7.1ch/192kHz PCM, up to 5.1ch DSD,
HDMI output 2 (audio only) Audio
up to 7.1ch/192kHz PCM, up to 5.1ch DSD,
Ethernet 1000 BASE-T
PSU Universal switch-mode 100 – 240V AC, IEC inlet
Max power consumption 35W
Standby consumption <0.5W
(Quick Start mode o)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 82 x 430 x 312mm
(3.2 x 16.9 x 12.3'') with feet
Weight (unboxed) 5.0kg (11.0lbs)
Wi-Fi 802.11B, G, N (2.4GHz), 802.11A, N, AC
Cambridge Audio's policy is one of continuous improvement. Design and
specications are therefore subject to change without prior notice.

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