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Remote control
The CXC is supplied with a remote control handset that duplicates the front
panel control functions and is also able to control other CX series products.
The supplied AAA batteries must be tted before the remote control can be
The handset buttons function as described in the following paragraphs.
1. Bright
Alters the brightness of the display backlight. There are three levels of
brightness: Bright, Dim and O.
2. Standby/On
Switches the amplier between On and low power ecofriendly Standby mode.
3. Play / 4. Pause / 5. Stop
Press the relevant button to play, pause or stop the CD.
6. Open/Close
Opens and closes the disc tray.
7. Scan
Press and hold to scan within the selected track. Hold down for seven
seconds to increase scan speed. Press the right button to fast forward, the
left button to rewind.
8. Skip
Right SkipPress to skip forward by one track on the CD.
Left SkipPress to skip backward by one track on the CD.
9. Repeat / 10. Random
Read the 'Operating Instructions' section of this manual for information on the
functions of these buttons.
Note: these buttons will function only when the display backlight is in either
'Bright' or 'Dim' modes. If it is set to 'O', the functions do not respond.
Rear panel controls
1. AC power socket
Once all other connections are made, connect the supplied power cable to
the CXC power socket and to an appropriate mains socket. The CXC is now
ready for use.
2. Mains voltage selector switch
Switches the CXC mains voltage between 115V and 230V.
Note: For use by Cambridge Audio service personnel only!
3. Control bus
In – An RCA phono socket that enables un-modulated commands from multi-
rooms systems or other components to be received by the CXC.
Out – An RCA phono socket that provides control bus output commands for
further downstream units.
4. IR (Infra Red) In
A 3.5mm mini-jack socket that enables modulated IR commands from multi-
room or IR repeater systems to be received by the CXC.
Note: Commands received by the IR In socket are not looped out of the
Control Bus. Refer to the 'Custom Installation' section for more information.
In Out
Mains Voltage Selector Switch:
100-120V/220-240V AC~50/60Hz
Digital Outputs
Digital Outputs
IR In Control Bus
IR InControl Bus
Power AC
Max Power Consumption: 25W
CXC Compact Disc Player
Designed & Engineered in UK
Made in China
1 2 3
5. Digital inputs
The CXC has two digital outputs in total, S/P DIF co-axial and Toslink optical
Coaxial – To obtain best results, use a high quality 75 ohm digital RCA
interconnect cable (not one designed for normal audio use).
Toslink Optical Use a high quality TOSLINK bre optic interconnect cable
designed specically for audio use.
4 5

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio CXC

Cambridge Audio CXC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Cambridge Audio CXC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Cambridge Audio CXC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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