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An IR Emitter Input is provided that allows
modulated IR remote control commands to be
received electrically by the unit. An RS232 port
is also featured which allows the 551R V2 to be
controlled by C.I. systems.
In addition the unit features 'direct' IR/Control codes as well as toggle codes
for some of their features to simplify programming custom installation
systems. Special direct On/Off and Mute commands can be accessed on the
supplied remote control for teaching into C.I. systems as follows:
1. Press and hold the Standby/On button on the remote control. The remote
rst generates it's standby (toggle) command. Keep the button held down,
after 12 seconds an AV receiver "On" command will be generated. If the
button is kept held down for a further 12 seconds, an AV receiver "Off"
command is generated.
Repeat this procedure with the Mute, Sub On/Off, Stereo Mono and Tuner
AM/FM buttons to send On/Off commands. The Tuner AM/FM button also
provides unique FM and AM commands to allow switching to a specic band.
A full code table and RS232 protocol for this product is available on the
Cambridge Audio website at www.cambridge-audio.com.
The 551R V2 has a function that preserves the preset memory and other
settings. In the event of a power failure, or if the power cord of the unit
is disconnected from the mains outlet, the back-up memory will preserve
the preset memory for approximately one week. If the power supply is
interrupted for 7 days or longer, the memory settings will be erased.
If it is desired to reset all settings to their factory defaults (or in the unlikely
event that the unit locks up due to an electrical discharge etc), with the unit
on and out of Standby mode press and hold the Tuner FM/AM and Analogue
Stereo Direct buttons on the front panel for three seconds.
"RESET" will appear briey on the front panel display before returning to
Standby mode.
A low hum or buzz sound can be heard
Power cords or lighting placed near this product.
Analogue inputs not connected securely.
Sound is not audible from one channel
Speaker connections disconnected.
Speaker set to “None” in OSD setup menu.
Sound cuts off when listening to music or there is no
sound even though power is ON
Speaker impedance is less than prescribed for the 551R V2.
The unit is not adequately ventilated and may be overheating.
Reset/Back-up memory
Custom installation (C.I.) use
Operating instructions cont.
Low bass or “phasey” response
Speaker polarity (+/-) of one or more speakers is reversed.
An unusual hissing noise is heard when listening to a
radio broadcast in stereo, but not heard when listening
in mono
A slight noise may be heard because the method used for modulation of FM
stereo broadcasts is different than that used for mono broadcasts.
Aerial quality also effects the level of hiss heard.
Noise is excessive in both stereo and monaural radio
Poor location and/or direction of the antenna.
Transmitting station is too far away.
No sound from the rear speakers
Source being played is not recorded in surround sound.
Speaker/s set to “None” in OSD setup menu.
A stereo mode has been selected.
No sound from the centre speaker
Centre speaker has been set to “None” in OSD setup menu.
A stereo mode has been selected.
No sound from the subwoofer
Sub has been set to ‘Off’ in the OSD setup menu or via the remote.
DTS Neo:6, DD Dolby Pro Logic II/IIx modes (which have no LFE channel)
have been selected with all speakers set to “Large”.
Remote control is not working
The batteries are at.
The remote is too far from the receiver or out of the effective range.
No sound from speakers when connected to a digital
Audio input type is set to analogue (check display). Press the Audio Input
Type button to switch to digital.
No sound from speakers when connected to an analogue
Audio input type is set to digital. Press the Audio Input Type button to switch
to analogue (check display).
Audio input type can also be set in the Input/Output Setup menu of the OSD.
No Sound from any speakers
Receiver is set for ‘Pre-out’ operation.
By entering the OSD menu, selecting the input/output setup menu, the
Preamp out setting can be changed from ‘Normal’ to ‘Pre-out’. This disables
the internal ampliers when an external decoder amplier is being used.
Reset this to ‘Normal’ to restore sound.
No Sound from front speakers, but rear speakers work
Receiver is set for ‘Ext 2Ch’ operation.
By entering the OSD menu, selecting the input/output setup menu, the
Preamp out setting can be changed from ‘normal’ to ‘Ext. 2 Ch’. This disables
the internal ampliers for the front channels when an external amplier is
being used to drive those channels. Reset this to ‘Normal’ to restore sound.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 28 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 551R V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 30 pagina's

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