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1. Searching by Track:
Press “A/PS”, then search track is activated.
Turn “VOL” knob to left or right, select rst digit desired.
Press “VOL” knob, then the rst digit is xed and second digit will ash.
Turn “VOL” knob to left or right, select 2’nd 3’rd respectively.
Press “BD/ENT”, the song selected will start.
2. Searching by Character:
Press “A/PS” twice, then character search mode is activated.
Turn “VOL” knob to left or right, you can select the desired letter.
Press “VOL” knob, repeat steps above for 2’nd 3’rd character.
The songs with the same character that you selected is displayed.
Turn “VOL” knob to left or right, you can select the desired song.
Press “BD/ENT”, then the song selected will start.
3. Searching by File Name:
Press “A/PS” 3 times, then folder search is activated.
Turn “VOL” knob to left or right, you can select the desired folder.
Press “BD/ENT”, then the folder is xed and the rst le will be played.
24, 25. USB/SD/MMC Memory Card
The device is equipped with a USB interface and a memory card reader for SD/MMC cards.
MP3 or WMA les stored on these media can be played.
1. Plug your USB storage medium into the USB port.
2. If you use a memory card, insert it into the memory card reader.
3. The player automatically switches to the input used and starts playback.
4. See the section on operations common for audio les on how to control USB or memory card playback.
Due to the great variety of devices with USB and SD/MMC card interfaces that sometimes have manufacturer-
specic functions, we cannot guarantee that all media will be recognized and that all operational functions will be
available with this device.
You cannot operate USB hard drives on the device.
26. Connecting AUX IN
An external audio source (e.g. portable MP3 player) can be connected to the AUX IN socket to be played back by the
vehicle loudspeakers.
Connect the AUX IN socket with the audio output of the external device.
How to Perform Pairing
Before you can dial out from the car stereo, you must rst perform PAIRING. Pairing is a procedure used to connect 2
Bluetooth devices together.
1. This unit’s Bluetooth function is always on, perform the pairing starting from your cellular phone. Refer to your cellular
manual on proper pairing.
2. Perform the search for available Bluetooth devices, “CAR--BT ”
will show. Enter ‘0000’ when asking for code.
3. After successful pairing, connect to the head unit if it is not automatically connected.
How to call / receive calls using wired remote controller
When there is incoming call, press
TALK button once to answer.
During conversation, press
TALK button once to end call.
To make calls using call history
1. Press and hold
TALK button to display “REDIAL” history.
2. Using VOL knob on main unit, turn repeatedly to select the phone number you want to make
call to and press “ to dial out.
Note: Up to 20 phone numbers will be displayed including previous outgoing and incoming calls.
How to call / receive calls using wireless remote controller
To make calls, press
button on the remote controller followed by pressing TEL NO using
number keys.
After entering TEL NO, press “
” again to dial out.
During conversation, press “
” button to end call.
When there is incoming call, press “
” button to receive call.
Press “
” button to reject incoming calls.
How to make / receive calls using front panel
To make calls using call history
1. Press and hold “
” to display “REDIAL” history.
Using VOL knob on main unit, turn repeatedly to select the phone number you want to make call to and press
to dial out.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Caliber mcd 085

Caliber mcd 085 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Polski, Svenska - 12 pagina's

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