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Thank you for choosing a Caliber product. In doing so you’ve demonstrated a
desire to own the finest in Car Audio Technology. Caliber strives to provide you
with the finest products possible, and is always looking for ways to please our
customers even more.
Properly installed, your Caliber CX4R will provide years of high quality sonic
reproduction. Before installing this 4-way crossover in your vehicle, please read
this entire manual carefully, in order to protect your vehicle, and get the maxi-
mum performance of your mobile sound system.
Caliber Warranty
Due to the complexity of our products, we strongly recommend that this 4-way
crossover is installed by your authorized Caliber dealer. If properly installed by
your dealer we provide a warranty for 12 month from the date of purchase.
If you install this 4-way crossover yourself, we wish you lots of fun and succes in
doing so. If you follow our guidelines, you’ll get the best result. Our warranty,
however, will be limited to and not exceed 30 days from the date of purchase.
Caliber Accessories
To r ealize the exceptional performance of which this 4-way crossover is capable,
it is necessary that power sources, signal sources, speakers and interconnects
are of the highest quality. Remember that Caliber is a specialized manufacturer
of all sorts of Car Audio components.We also manufacture everything needed
for the ‘optimal’ Car Audio System (except the car). So be sure to ‘Get
Connected’ with Caliber and ask your local Caliber dealer for our accessories.
The quality of installation may effect the performance and reliability of a Caliber
CX4R 4-way crossover. If you have any doubts or questions regarding installation
or use, don’t hesitate to contact your official Caliber dealer.
A Caliber dealer is selected for his knowledge in auto sound, and has been trained
to give you great advice and service.You can always count on him to give you
advice for any technical problems and will keep you informed on the latest
products by Caliber.
We wish you lots of enjoyable moments with your newest toy.Adjust the sound
to perfection, but keep paying attention to the road whilst doing so.

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