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Bridgeable outputs.
’Tri-mode’ output capability, simultaneous stereo & bridged mono set up is possible.
Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) MOSFET Power Supply.
2 stable (4 mono-bridged)
Double sided epoxy board for jumperless signal paths.
Variable input sensitivity: 15V to 0.5V.
Thermal-, Overload- and Shortcircuit protection.
Excellent muting circuitry assures no turn on/off ‘pops’.
Built-in adjustable HighPass/LowPass Filter.
Balanced inputs to shunt any input noise
Large power supply connectors for optimal power distribution.
European design and engineering.
Superb Sonic Performance for your ‘Dream Machine’ on wheels.
Years and years of acoustic pleasure.
The amplifier has to have at least 5cm (2”) ventilation space at all sides, to allow the heat to rise
away from the amplifier. Be sure that the power and signal cables can enter and leave the amplifier
in a straight line, to avoid the risk of malfunction. Always place the power- and signalcables at
opposite sides of the vehicle to reduce any noises.
The amplifier should be protected from exposure to moisture and direct sunlight.
Mark the mounting surface using the amplifier as a template, then drill 2.5mm (1/8”) diameter holes
at the marked locations and mount the amplifier using the supplied self-tapping screws.
Remember to always disconnect battery ground before working on a vehicle’s electrical system!
Always place a fuse or circuit breaker no more than 30cm (12”) from the battery, no greather than
the fuse(s) of your amplifier for optimal protection.
First, the +12V terminal is connected directly to the battery of your car. Use a cable of at least
, and make sure that the connectors are of the same value.
- Don’t forget the extra “Vehicle protection” fuse.
- The 12V + terminal should NOT be connected to the car fuse box.
Second, the ground terminal (GND) must be fastened securely to the chassis of the vehicle with the
same gauge cable as the positive cable (the same amount of power has to run through it). Ensure
that all paint, undercoating or any other insulation is removed from the area where you want to
make your ground connection to.
•Third, the last cable to connect is your remote turn-on (REM). Many radio-cassette and CD-players
have an output terminal for connection of the REM of an amplifier. If you don’t have such an output,
a separate switch must be installed to control your amplifiers on/off function.
CA 160V2 Manual 30-11-2004 12:02 Pagina 2

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