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Basic Safe 1 E, Smart Safe 2 E, Universal Safe 2 E
16.12.09 BGR
© All rights reserved by BURG-WÄCHTER KG
Errors, omissions and changes reserved. Bedienungsanleitung (Universal) engl. 2005_03_16.doc
Operating instructions
Important advice
Please store the override keys and your Personal Code in a secure
place outside the Safe.
Do not use personal dates like birthdays, phone numbers, etc.
Always test the new code several times with Safe door open.
For your own security, please use a 6-digit code (1 million different
If the batteries inside the Safe are exhausted, you can only open the
Safe with the key.
Opening your Safe with the override key
Carefully slide the cover plate away from the keypad on the front
Enter the override key in the keyhole and turn anti-clockwise until
the stop.
Turn the knob at the left hand of the keypad clockwise until the stop
and open the door.
Advice: Use the emergency lock only in emergency cases.
How to insert batteries and program your Personal Code
Remove battery cover on the inside of the door and insert 4 batteries
type LR 6 (Alkaline).
You can now program your Personal Code.
Press the red button on the inside of the door. A control diode will
light up on the outside of the door.
Enter your Personal Code (3 – 6 digits).
Confirm your Code by pressing the enter/on button on the right at
the bottom of the keypad.
Opening your Safe with the Code
Enter your Personal Code (3 – 6 digits).
Confirm your Code by pressing the enter/on button on the right at
the bottom of the keypad.
A tone signals that the correct Personal Code has been entered. Turn
the knob clockwise until the stop and open the door within approx. 6
seconds of the tone.
Closing the Safe
Shut the door and turn the knob anti-clockwise until the stop.
New batteries
If the red control diode lights up, all 4 batteries must be replaced
(type LR 6).
You need to program your Personal Code again!
Blocking period for wrong Code
If an incorrect code is entered 3 times, the Safe will ‘Time Out’ for a
short time – a maximum time of 2 minutes.
Once the ‘Time Out’ has passed, the correct code can be entered
again to open the door.
The Safe should be fixed at the wall or floor to protect it against
Technical details
Power supply: 4 batteries type LR 6 /AA/1,5 V (Alkaline).
Working humidity: 20% ~ 90% rH – non-condensed / non-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Burg-Wachter Smart Safe 2 E

Burg-Wachter Smart Safe 2 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Burg-Wachter Smart Safe 2 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Burg-Wachter Smart Safe 2 E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 1 pagina's

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