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STMO function
The “STMO” function enables you to switch back and forth between mono and stereo
playback. This is especially useful when the stereo signal of the selected radio station
doesn’t carry an ideal strength. In order to activate the “STMO” function, please press the
screen button “STMO” once briefly. Then the color changes from white to grey again and the
radio signal is briefly interrupted. In order to deactivate the “STMO” function again, please
press the screen button “STMO” briefly once more. Then the color of the button changes
from white to grey again and the radio signal is briefly interrupted.
RDS is an information system whose signals are additionally broadcast by most FM stations.
With RDS programs, the name of the program appears as an abbreviation on the display.
Further information, such as frequency, time and program type (PTY) can be faded in. An
RDS program will be broadcast by several senders on different frequencies (alternative
frequencies). If an RDS program has been selected, the device automatically switches to the
alternative frequency that can be received most clearly, as long as that is available and the
AF function has been turned on. You can read the RDS information when the monitor is
open. The time, RDS station name and frequency will appear on the display.
Traffic announcements (“TA“, traffic program, ”TP“)
To activate the traffic announcement program, please press the “TP” button briefly. The
message “TA” will appear on the display and the readiness for announcements is turned on.
To deactivate the traffic announcements, press the “TP” button again. The message “TA”
disappears and the readiness for announcements has been switched off. When the monitor
is open, the display will jump to the RDS submenu and switch the function on or off. If there
is no entry for approx. ten seconds, the device returns to the radio display and store the
changes that were made.
- If the selected station is not a traffic broadcast station, the device automatically starts
to scan for the next traffic broadcast station.
- If “TP” is turned on, the CD/DVD, SD-MMC, USB and AUX IN operation is interrupted
for a traffic announcement and will be continued afterwards. For the duration of the
traffic alert, "TP” will appear on the display. During AUX IN operation, the current
track will not stop but continue playing. To stop the device connected via AUX IN,
please consult the manual of the respective manufacturer of the device.
- If you only want to hear traffic announcements, turn on the announcement function
with the “TP” button and turn the volume to “VOL 0” with the volume control dial or
use the MUTE function. The device will automatically regulate a volume increase for
traffic announcements.
- The TA volume can be individually adjusted under the volume item “TA VOL”.
Alternative frequencies (“AF“)
To activate the “AF” function, briefly press the “AF/REG” button. The message “AF” appears
and the function is turned on. To turn off the “AF” function, briefly press the “AF/REG” button.
The message “AF” disappears and the function is deactivated.
- The “AF” function is only displayed for broadcast stations that broadcast an “AF”
signal. The “AF” message flashes when the AF” function is activated but no “AF”
signal is available.
- If an RDS (radio data system) station is being received that is broadcast by several
broadcast stations with different frequencies, the device automatically switches to the
frequency that can be received most clearly.

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