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Page 16 of 44 pages
Insertion of the operating unit
In order to activate the car radio, you first have to insert the operating unit. First slide the
operating unit in a slightly tilted position from the left into the right holder and then press it
against the casing until it audibly snaps into place. Now you can turn on the device. If the
device was turned on when the operating unit was removed, it will automatically turn on with
the last setting (radio, CD, SD/MMC, AUX IN) as soon as the operating unit is inserted again.
Removal of the operating unit (theft protection)
In order to remove the operating unit and thus protect your car radio from theft, turn off the
device with the on/off button. Now press the REL button. The operating unit then releases
from the device and you can detach it towards the front and left. Place the operating unit into
the provided case and take it with you when you leave the car.
Turning on/off
To turn on the device, briefly press the on/off button, or any other button, on the operating
unit. To turn the device off, long press the on/off button again. The device will then turn off. If
the device is activated after the ignition has been started, it will automatically turn on and off
with the ignition during subsequent operation.
Caution! When the radio is turned on, an automatic antenna that may be installed on the
vehicle will also be extended. Before driving into a car wash, you should therefore always
turn off the device in order to avoid damages to the antenna as well as the vehicle.
Changing the volume
The volume of the device can be changed with the round control dial. The current volume of
the device will be indicated on the display in the process. The volume scale ranges from 0 –
45. When the car radio is turned off, the volume is only stored if it falls below the level of the
“S.VOLUME” setting. Any volume levels exceeding this are reduced to protect hearing. The
volume for the reactivation can be set in the system menu under theS.VOLUME” function.
- Don’t use the car radio at an excessive volume. Otherwise there is the risk that you
will permanently damage your hearing.
- Please consider that while using the device you should still be in the position of
perceiving your surroundings (warning signals, sirens, etc.).
- Please only perform lengthy changes of the device settings while the vehicle is
parked. Otherwise your concentration might be affected by the changes.

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