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- If you need to drill holes or make other changes for the installation, consult a
specialized workshop in your area.
- This device is designed for a vehicle power supply of 12 V with the ground on the car
body (negative pole). Check the battery voltage before installing it into a camping
vehicle, bus, or truck.
- To avoid short circuits, the battery has to be disconnected before the installation.
- Read the guidelines in this handbook for the connection of the power supply and
other options.
- Secure the installed cables with insulating tape, cable ties, or cable clamps. To
protect the cables from damage, use insulating tape when guiding them past metal
components. Place and secure all cables in such a manner that they are not in the
vicinity of movable parts, such as e.g. the parking brake, gas/brake/coupling pedals,
handle bars and seat tracks.
- Don’t place any cables in the vicinity of heat sources (e.g. near the heater ventilation),
since the insulation of the cables might get damaged and result in short circuits.
- Don’t short circuit any cables. This can result in damages to the vehicle and device.
- Never establish a power supply to other devices by removing the insulation of the
device’s power supply and connecting an additional cable. Otherwise, the maximum
power rating of the cable will be exceeded and there will be a danger of overheating.
- If you have to replace the fuse, only use an identical one with the same rating.
- The connected speakers have to be high-performance speakers with a minimum
output of 40 W and an impedance ranging from 4 to 8 ohm. If you connect speakers
with other output or impedance ratings, the speakers may burn, smoke, or sustain
other kinds of damage.
- When the device is turned on, a control signal adjoins the blue cable of the
connection A5 (ISO plug A). You can connect this to the relay of the extendable
vehicle antenna (max. 100 mA, 12 V=). If your vehicle has a wire antenna inside the
windshield, connect the blue cable A5 (ISO plug A) to the pre-amplifier of the
- If an external audio amplifier is connected to the device, the blue cable of connection
A5 (ISO plug A) may not be connected to the power supply of the amplifier. Likewise,
you may not connect it to the power supply of an active car antenna. This poses a
risk of short circuits and malfunctions.
- Insulate unused connection cables with insulating tape. The same applies to unused
speaker cables. Otherwise there is a risk of short circuits.
- Dirt or condensed moisture on the lens of the CD/DVD drive may impede and even
prevent the playback of data carriers.
- In general, the playback of self-burned data carriers is possible, but it depends on the
used software and the settings made with it, so that there may be problems during
playback in individual cases. You can receive further information from the
manufacturer of your software.
- Additional CD data carriers can be played back just like audio CDs. It’s possible that
CD-R/CD-RW data carriers can’t be played back correctly if they were recorded by a
device other than an audio CD recorder.
- In addition, it may be the case that a data carrier (CD-R/CD-RW) recorded with an
audio CD recorder can’t be played back due to the conditional features, irregular
formats, or soiling of the data carriers.
- The information recorded on the data carrier (ID3TAG) is displayed by this device.
- After inserting a CD-RW data carrier, it takes a little longer for the playback to begin
than with regular CD or CD-R data carriers. Also read the guidelines on the sleeves
of the CD-R/CD-RW data carriers before you insert them.

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