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Thank you for buying the Bugaboo Donkey
and welcome to the world of modern
At Bugaboo
, we help parents and children to discover the world. Our aim is to create a
safe and comfortable journey, to help make the world accessible while recognizing the
many different ways there are to get out and go.
goods. Designed to grow and flow with your family. From newborns, to toddlers, to twins,
to everyday goods, we created the Bugaboo Donkey with custom configurations in mind.
In few seconds the Bugaboo Donkey converts from a full-sized mono stroller to a full-
sized side-by-side duo stroller and back again to a mono; this makes it suitable for your
first child, your second child, or both at the same time, or for twins. Almost as important,
Above all, the Bugaboo Donkey is designed to be the only stroller your family will ever
Please complete the product registration card included in the packaging or register
online at bugaboo.com/register. The information you provide will only be used to contact
you in the event of a necessary upgrade of your Bugaboo stroller.
The Bugaboo Donkey complies with:
EN 1888:2003 +A1/A2/A3:2005 and is certified by TÜV Süd to bear the TÜV and GS •
ASTM F833:09 and is certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturing Association •
© Copyright 2010 003142 rv00 Bugaboo® International BV. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Bugaboo International BV shall not be liable for technical errors or omissions contained herein. The purchased product may differ
from the product as described in this user guide. Our most recent user guides can be requested at our service departments or at
www.bugaboo.com. TM ® BUGABOO and the Bugaboo logos, FROG, GECKO, CAMELEON, BEE and DONKEY are registered, pending
or claimed trademarks of Bugaboo International BV. The Bugaboo strollers are patented and designed model protected.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bugaboo Donkey

Bugaboo Donkey Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 49 pagina's

Bugaboo Donkey Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 49 pagina's

Bugaboo Donkey Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 49 pagina's

Bugaboo Donkey Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 50 pagina's

Bugaboo Donkey Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 370 pagina's

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