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LCD Message Description Corrective Action
E11 Fan Failure
An error occurred in the fan
Check that no foreign objects or dust are clogging
the fan. If any foreign objects or dust are found,
use a pair of tweezers, air duster, or other tools to
remove them. If the error is displayed again, contact
Buffalo technical support for assistance.
E12 Cooling Failure
A rise in the system temperature
may have exceeded the
allowable safety value.
Do not place objects in the area around the
TeraStation. Also, move the TeraStation to a cool
E16 Drive x Not
Unable to find the drive.
The drive may be disconnected or may have failed.
After shutting down, reinstall the drive.
E30 Replace Drive x
An error occurred, so the drive
was removed from the volume.
Replace the drive.
I10 System Is
A rise in the system temperature
may have exceeded the
allowable safety value.
Move the TeraStation to a cool location. Do not place
objects in the area around the TeraStation.
I12 Degraded Mode Operating in degraded mode.
Check if the E30 message is also displayed on the
LCD panel. In such a case, refer to the corrective
action for the E30 message. If only this message is
displayed, refer to the “I12 Message Appears Despite
No Drive Errors section in chapter 8.
I18 Rebuilding Drive
Rebuilding the volume.
Note: Transfer speeds are slower
during the rebuilding process.
Wait until resynchronization finishes. It will take
about 23 hours for a RAID 5 volume and about 2–3
hours for a mirrored volume per a 4 TB TeraStation
model. This message will disappear when
resynchronization finishes.
I33 Replication
An error occurred in replication.
From Buffalo Replication, click Sync to execute
resynchronization. If the error is displayed again,
contact Buffalo technical support for assistance.
I52 New Firmware
A new firmware version has been
Update the firmware.
I54 Backup Job x
The backup job failed.
Make sure that the backup job is configured
correctly. Make sure that the NAS is on and not in
standby mode. If the backup job still fails, check
the status of NAS, network, and backup source and
destinations. Also, check the backup log to see if any
errors were recorded.
Default Settings
Administrators Name Administrator
Password password
Shared Folders
Drives C and D are configured as administrative hidden shares
by Windows Storage Server’s default settings.
DHCP Client
Normally, the TeraStation will get its IP address automatically
from a DHCP server on the network. If no DHCP server is
available, then an IP address will be assigned as follows:
IP Address: IP address will be assigned starting from “169.254”.
Subnet Mask:
Registered Groups Windows Storage Server’s default groups are registered.
Microsoft Network Group Setting WORKGROUP

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Buffalo TeraStation WS5220 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 122 pagina's

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