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Software Installation
Optional software for the HD-LCU3, along with the software manuals, are available from the download page below.
To avoid damage to data, never do any of the following while data is being accessed:
• unplug the cable connected to the drive
• turn off your computer
• put your computer into standby, hibernate, or sleep mode
Never put anything on top of the DriveStation. It may cause the drive to malfunction.
Do not lean any object against this drive. It may cause the drive to malfunction.
If Windows displays a message that a high-speed USB device is connected to a non high-speed USB hub, move
the drive to a USB 3.0 port for best performance, or click [X] to continue.
Never configure this drive as a destination for virtual memory.
The maximum size of a file on a FAT32 hard drive is 4 GB. To work with larger files, reformat the drive with NTFS
or Mac OS extended.
Some computers may not recognize this device. If this happens, unplug the USB cable, then plug it in again after
a few seconds.
This drive supports hot-plugging.
You can plug or unplug the USB cable while the drive and your PC are on. However, never unplug the cable while
data is being accessed. If you unplug the drive while data is being accessed, your data may be damaged or lost.
You may hear some noise while the drive is working, especially while it's booting or being accessed. This is
Do not boot your operating system from this drive.
The first time you connect this drive, it may take about 20 seconds before the power/access LED turns on.
If you use this drive with multiple partitions, format each partition before use.
If your Windows computer will not boot while this drive is connected, then connect the drive to your computer
after rebooting Windows. Also, refer to your computer's manual to change the BIOS setting to boot from an
internal hard drive if you want to turn your computer on or off while this drive is connected.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Buffalo HD-LCU3

Buffalo HD-LCU3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 7 pagina's

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