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UK Telephone Helpline: 0845 146 2887
Technical Specifications
Model Voltage Power Current Jug
h x w x d mm Weight
CR836 220-240V
1680W 8A 2.5L 305 x 450 x 340 5.9kg
DR825 220-240V
1680W 8A 2.5L 600 x 325 x 305 8.9kg
Electrical Wiring
This appliance is supplied with a 3 pin, moulded, BS1363 plug and lead, with a 13 amp fuse as standard.
The plug is to be connected to a suitable mains socket.
This appliance is wired as follows:
Live wire (coloured brown) to terminal marked L
Neutral wire (coloured blue) to terminal marked N
Earth wire (coloured green/yellow) to terminal marked E
This appliance must be earthed.
If in doubt consult a qualified electrician.
Electrical isolation points must be kept clear of any obstructions. In the event of any emergency
disconnection being required they must be readily accessible.
The WEEE logo on this product or its documentation indicates that the product must
not be disposed of as household waste. To help prevent possible harm to human
health and/or the environment, the product must be disposed of in an approved and
environmentally safe recycling process. For further information on how to dispose of
this product correctly, contact the product supplier, or the local authority responsible for
waste disposal in your area.
BUFFALO parts have undergone strict product testing in order to comply with regulatory
standards and specifications set by international, independent, and federal authorities.
BUFFALO products have been approved to carry the following symbol:
All rights reserved. No part of these instructions may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BUFFALO.
Every effort is made to ensure all details are correct at the time of going to press, however, BUFFALO reserve the right to
change specifications without notice.

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