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Always Ask For
S Keep Filter Clean
A clogged or improperly installed air filter on your indoor unit will
increase operating costs and shorten the life of the unit. For
detailed filter cleaning information refer to indoor unit literature.
S Do Not Block Floor, Wall or Ceiling Vents
When drapes, furniture, toys or other common household items
block vents, the restricted airflow lessens the system’s efficiency
and life span.
S Do Not Cover or Block Outdoor Unit
The outdoor unit needs unrestricted airflow. Do not cover it or
place items on or next to it. Do not allow grass clippings, leaves, or
other debris to accumulate on the sides or top of the unit. And,
maintain a 12” (304.8 mm) minimum clearance between the
outdoor unit and tall grass, vines, shrubs, etc.
S Check Condensate Drain
Your air conditioner removes humidity from your home during the
cooling season. After a few minutes of operation, water should
trickle from the condensate drain of the indoor coil. Check this
occasionally to be sure the drain system is not clogged. Drainage
will be limited if you live in a very dry environment.
S Do Not Operate Below 55°F/12.78°C
Your outdoor unit is not designed to operate when outdoor
temperatures are lower than 55_F/12.78_C without modification.
If operation below this temperature is required, consult your Bryant
S Coil Cleaning
Your indoor coil is located in a sealed cabinet on your indoor unit
and will require minimal cleaning with routine filter maintenance.
Longer operating cycles and reduced energy efficiency may
indicate the need for a coil cleaning by your Bryant dealer.
S Base Pan Drainage
Periodically check for and remove debris that has settled around
the base of your outdoor unit. This will ensure proper drainage of
the base pan and eliminate standing water inside the outdoor unit.
S Level Installation
Your Bryant dealer will install the outdoor unit in a level position.
If the support base settles or shifts and the unit is no longer level,
be sure to re--level it promptly to assure proper drainage. If you
notice water or ice collecting beneath the unit, arrange for it to be
drained away from the unit.
Coastal locations often require additional maintenance of the
outdoor unit due to highly corrosive airborne ocean salt. Although
your new Bryant system is made of galvanized metal and is
protected by top--grade paint, take the additional precaution of
periodically washing all exposed surfaces and the outdoor coil
approximately every 3 months. Consult your installing Bryant
dealer for proper cleaning intervals and procedures for your
geographic area or ask about a service contract for regularly
scheduled professional cleaning and inspections.
Before you request dealer service, check for these easily solved
S Check the indoor and outdoor disconnect switches Also check
your main electrical panel circuit breakers or fuses.
S Check for sufficient airflow. Air filter(s) should be reasonably
clean and interior vents should be open and unobstructed.
S Check thermostat settings. For cooling, your desired
temperature setting should be LOWER than the displayed
room temperature, and the System/Mode control should be on
Cool or Auto. For heating, your temperature setting should be
HIGHER than the displayed room temperature, and the
System/Mode control is set to Heat or Auto.
S Time delays - depending on the Bryant air conditioner you
have, there may be delays in unit operation that are built-in to
protect the equipment and your comfort. Don't be alarmed if
you notice a time delay in operation. It may be a standard
protection feature of your equipment. Check with your Bryant
Dealer for more information on time delays.
If you need to contact your Bryant dealer for troubleshooting
and/or repairs, be sure to have the model and serial numbers of
your equipment available (there are spaces on the cover for you to
write this information). With this information, your dealer may be
able to offer helpful suggestions over the phone or save valuable
time through knowledgeable preparation for the service call.
In addition to the routine maintenance that you perform, your
home comfort system should be inspected regularly by a properly
trained service technician. Many dealers offer this service at a
reduced rate with a service contract. Some service contracts offer
additional benefits such as parts discounts and no additional charge
for ”after hours or emergency service.
Your annual system inspection should include:
S Routine inspection of air filter(s) with replacement or cleaning
as required
S Inspection and cleaning of the blower wheel housing and
S Inspection and, if required, cleaning of indoor and outdoor
S Inspection of the indoor coil drain pan, as well as the primary
and secondary drain lines. If the system has an auxiliary drain
pan and line, they should be inspected at this time as well.
Service should include cleaning if required.
S Check all electrical wiring and connections
S Check for secure physical connections of individual parts in
each unit
S Operational check of the air conditioning system to determine
actual working condition. Necessary repair and, or adjustment
should be performed at this time.
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
E2007 Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems D 7310 W. Morris St. D Indianapolis, IN 46231 Printed in U.S.A. Edition Date: 11/07
R e p l a c e s: O M 0 1 --- 2 4
Catalog No. OM01---25

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