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Please Read Before Installation
Before beginning the installation, check that the computer meets the system requirements.
In order to install the software on Windows
operating system, you must log on to the computer using an account with administrator
privileges. If you are not logged on with the administrator account, the password for the administrator account may be requested
with Windows
. Type in the password to continue the procedure. For details on logging on to the computer using an account with
administrator privileges, refer to the Windows
The installation procedure is described for Windows
10. The procedure and dialog boxes for other operating systems may be slightly
If the installation is canceled before it is completed or if the procedure is not performed as described, the software will not be installed
Do not remove the “PE-DESIGN Software Key” from the USB port of the computer while the installation is being performed. Remove
the “PE-DESIGN Software Key” after the installation is completed.
Before beginning the installation, follow the procedure below to back up the installer onto your computer.
Create a backup folder on the computer.1)
Copy the entire 2) [PE-DESIGN PLUS2] folder from the “PE-DESIGN Software Key” into the folder created in step 1).
Do not delete the data in the [PE-DESIGN PLUS2] folder on the “PE-DESIGN Software Key”.
System Requirements
Before installing the software on your computer, make sure that the computer meets the following minimum PC requirements.
Operating system Windows Vista
, Windows
7, 8.1, 10 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor 1 GHz or more
Memory 512 MB (1 GB or more is recommended.)
Hard disk free space 300 MB
Monitor XGA (1024 × 768), 16-bit color or higher
Port Two or more USB ports (used for connecting the “PE-DESIGN Software Key” and for transferring embroidery
data to an embroidery machine)
Device Mouse
Printer Graphic printer that is supported by your system (if you wish to print your images)
Internet access Required for updating PE-DESIGN
This product may not operate correctly with some computers.
Installing the Software
Plug the “PE-DESIGN Software Key” into the USB port on 1
the computer.
Open the [2 PE-DESIGN PLUS2] folder, and then double-click
the [setup.exe] le.
The [ User Account Control] dialog box appears.
Click [
3 Yes].
After a short while, the following dialog box automatically
Select the desired language, and then click [
4 OK].
The [ InstallShield Wizard] starts up, and the rst dialog
box appears.
Click [
5 Next] to continue with the installation.
A dialog box appears, allowing you to select the folder
where the software will be installed.
Check the installation location, and then click [
6 Next].
To install the application into a different folder:
Click [1) Change].
In the [2) Change Current Destination Folder] dialog box
that appears, select the drive and folder. (If necessary,
type in the name of a new folder.)
Click [3) OK].
The [ Destination Folder] dialog box of the
[InstallShield Wizard] shows the selected folder.
Click [4) Next] to install the application into the selected
A dialog box appears, indicating that preparations for
installation are nished.
Click [
7 Install] to install the application.
When the installation is completed, the following dialog
box appears.
Select the [
8 Launch PE-DESIGN PLUS2] check box, and
then click [Finish]. This completes the installation and starts

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother PE-DESIGN PLUS 2

Brother PE-DESIGN PLUS 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 120 pagina's

Brother PE-DESIGN PLUS 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 120 pagina's

Brother PE-DESIGN PLUS 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 120 pagina's

Brother PE-DESIGN PLUS 2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 120 pagina's

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