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P-touch Editor Lite
Creating Labels
Command Toolbar
Property Toolbar
When margins are set to Large, (default
setting) labels print with approx. 25mm
margins on each side of the printed text.
Reduce this margin by changing the setting
to Small.
Select Margins from the menu dis-
played when you right click the mouse.
Change the setting to Small.
Enter the desired text and click the Print
button. If Auto Cut is set to ON (default
setting) in the Print Options, the tape
will advance and cut your label to ac-
commodate the small margins.
Click the Print button.
Adjusting the left and
right margins of your
After reading this User’s Guide, if you still need assistance,
visit us at http://solutions.brother.com/
Problem Solution
After exiting P-touch Editor
Lite, how do I restart the
program while the machine
is still on?
There are three ways to restart. Perform any of the following:
Turn off the P-touch labeller and then turn it back on.
Disconnect and then reconnect the USB cable while the labeller is on.
Launch P-touch Editor Lite from My Computer.
The LED is ashing.
This is an error message.
Please press the Feed & Cut button to clear the error message.
If the LED remains flashing after performing the above, please contact
Brother Customer Service for further assistance.
I cannot turn the P-touch
labeller on.
Check to see that the batteries are installed correctly, or that the recommend-
ed power adapter is securely connected.
I cannot exit P-touch Editor
Check if an error message is being displayed, if so try to rectify the problem.
Please note that you cannot exit P-touch Editor Lite while labels are being printed.
A blank horizontal line ap-
pears through the printed
Streaks or poor quality characters on printed labels generally indicate that the
print head is dirty. Clean the print head using a cotton swab or optional print head
cleaning cassette (TZe-CL4).
* Do not touch the print head directly with your ngers.
The label is dif cult to cut.
Clean the cutter blade using a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.
* Do not touch the cutter blade directry with your ngers.
Creating a mixed
1-row/2-row label con-
taining a symbol
How to reduce the margin size.
Margin Setting
Select the tape size and enter the de-
sired text.
Insert a few spaces, then click the
Enter the desired text and press the
ENTER key. Enter the desired text on
the second row.
Click Symbol under
. Select the
symbol that you want to enter from the
displayed dialog box.
Speci cations
Item Speci cation
Dimensions Approx. 66mm(W)×188mm(D)×112mm(H)
Weight Approx. 603g (without batteries and tape cassette)
Power supply
Included AC adapter (AD-24ES) or six AA alkaline batteries
USB port USB mini B type
Accessories (Supplies may differ by distribution)
Accessories Stock No.
Tape cassette
Brother TZe tape (width) : 3.5mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm,
TZ tape is also supported.
AC Adapter AD-24ES
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity
(For USA Only)
Responsible Party: Brother International Corporation 100 Somerset Corporate Boulevard
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-0911 USA
TEL: (908) 704-1700
declares that the product: Product Name: P-touch Labeller PT-2430PC
Model Number: PT-2430PC
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condi-
tions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any inter-
ference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interfer-
ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is con-
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
-Changes or modi cations not expressly approved by Brother Industries, Ltd. could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
-The enclosed interface cable should be used in order to ensure compliance with the limits for a
Class B digital device.
Icon Function
Displays the New screen for creating a new label.
Opens a saved le with P-touch Editor Lite.
Saves the data to your PC, etc, but not to the labeller.
Inserts a new text box (convenient when creating labels containing
both single and multiple lines of text)
Inserts an image onto your label.
From le: Inserts an image stored on your PC.
Screen capture: Inserts the selected area of the PC screen as a
Symbol: Inserts one of your PC’s built-in symbols.
Inserts a frame.
Displays the menu.
The menu includes all P-touch Editor Lite functionality.
Minimizes P-touch Editor Lite.
Exits P-touch Editor Lite.
Other Functions (available on the menu displayed by right-clicking the mouse)
Label View
Display Function Display Function
This label view is displayed when the software is
started. The width of tape currently set is displayed
on the left of the label image. When “Auto” is shown
on the right, the length of tape is automatically ad-
justed to the length of text.
Inserted text boxes, images, and frames are treated
as objects. Objects are surrounded by handles
(indicated by eight blue points). These handles will
appear when text boxes, images and frames are in-
You can drag the label border to manually change
the length and width of the label. Move the pointer to
the label area’s border. When the blue line appears,
drag to the desired length or width.
Indicates that an object is selected.
You can adjust the size of the P-touch Editor Lite
window. Simply move the pointer over an edge of
the P-touch Editor Lite window and drag to adjust
the size once the pointer changes to an arrow.
The pointer changes to an arrow when moved over
a handle. You can change the size of the object by
Guidelines are sometimes displayed when moving
objects. They are shown when the object is aligned
at the left, right, top, or bottom edge of the printable
area, or in the centre. In the illustration to the left,
the guidelines indicate that the object is centred at
the top edge of the tape.
You can move objects by dragging when the pointer
is a crosshair. For text objects, the pointer only
changes to a crosshair over the border of the object.
Menu Do this
Click Undo to undo the last operation.
Click Redo to redo an undone operation.
Select the text area (or object) that you want to cut or copy and select Cut or Copy. Click in the destination
area and select Paste.
Margins Set the length of blank space on both sides of the label (large or small).
Click Insert.
Select Text box to insert text onto the label.
Select From File to insert an image stored on your PC.
Select Screen Capture to insert the selected area of the PC screen.
Select Symbol to insert one of your PC’s built-in symbols.
Select Frame to insert one of P-touch Editor Lite built-in frames.
Direction Select the object text and click either Horizontal Text or Vertical Text to change the direction of the label.
Select a number or character within your text and click Numbering to consecutively advance the number on
each label. Click
to the right of the Print button and click Print Options. Check the Numbering box and
enter the number of labels being printing in the Count eld. Click the Print button.
Change Image Select the image and click Change Image to replace the current image with a different image.
Rotate Rotate objects to 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°.
Select one of the objects and click Order, then select Bring to Front, Send to Back, Bring Forward, or
Send Backward to set the order of each object in the layer.
Click Options.
Select either mm (mm) or inches (in) to set the measurement unit setting.
Select P-touch Editor Lite language. Restart the application to apply the new selected “Language”.
Select either Display New Value after Printing or Reset to Original Value after Printing to set the number-
ing option.
Brother Solutions Center
Click Brother Solutions Center to go to the website for assistance and information.
Click About to learn about the P-touch Editor Lite version.
Click Exit to exit P-touch Editor Lite.
Icon Function
Click to change the font.
Click to specify the font size.
You can adjust the font size up or down one level by clicking or .
Speci es the font style:
Bold Italic Underline
Speci es the alignment of text in a text box.
Sets the width of the tape. Click to automatically detect the width of the
inserted tape.
Sets the length of the label. Click to automatically adjust the length of the
label to accommodate the entered text.
Sets/cancels the label direction to vertical.
Click to set the zoom factor for the Label View.
You can also change the zoom factor by clicking or .
Click to print normally or to print with options.
Auto Cut: Each label is automatically cut after printing.
Chain Printing: Uses the least amount of tape when printing more than one label continuous-
ly. The last label printed is not cut. After printing, press Feed & Cut button to cut the last label.
Special Tape: Select when you use a tape which cannot be cut with this cutter blade,
such as Fabric Tape or Strong Adhesive tape etc.
Mirror Printing: Prints a mirror image of the label.
Copies: Prints multiple copies of a label.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother P-touch 2430PC

Brother P-touch 2430PC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Brother P-touch 2430PC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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