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One-Year Limited Warranty and Replacement Service
(USA Only)
Who is covered:
This limited warranty ("warranty") is given only to the original end-use/retail purchaser (referred
to in this warranty as "Original Purchaser") of the accompanying product, consumables and
accessories (collectively referred to in this warranty as "the machine").
If you purchased a product from someone other than an authorized Brother reseller in
the United States or if the product was used (including but not limited to floor models
or refurbished product), prior to your purchase you are not the Original Purchaser and
the product that you purchased is not covered by this warranty.
What is covered:
The machine includes a Machine and Consumable and Accessory Items. Consumable
and Accessory Items include but are not limited to label cassettes, cutters, stamps,
power adapters, cases and batteries.
Except as otherwise provided herein, Brother warrants that the Machine and the
accompanying Consumable and Accessory Items will be free from defects in materials
and workmanship, when used under normal conditions.
This warranty applies only to products purchased and used in the United States. For
products purchased in, but used outside, the United States, this warranty covers only
warranty service within the United States (and does not include shipping outside the
United States).
What is the length of the Warranty Periods:
Machines: one year from the original purchase date.
Accompanying Consumable and Accessory Items: 90 days from the original purchase
date or the rated life of consumable, whichever comes first.
What is NOT covered:
This warranty does not cover:
(1) Physical damage to the machine;
(2) Damage caused by improper installation, improper or abnormal use, misuse, neglect or
accident (including but not limited to transporting the machine without the proper
preparation and/or packaging);
(3) Damage caused by another device or software used with the machine (including but not
limited to damage resulting from use of non Brother
-brand parts and Consumable and
Accessory Items);
(4) Consumable and Accessory Items that expired in accordance with a rated life; and,
(5) Problems arising from other than defects in materials or workmanship.
This limited warranty is VOID if the machine has been altered or modified in any way
(including but not limited to attempted warranty repair without authorization from
Brother and/or alteration/removal of the serial number).
What to do if you think your Product is eligible for warranty service:
Report your issue to our P-touch Customer Service Hotline at 1-877-478-6824
or to a
Brother Authorized Service Center within the applicable warranty period. Supply
Brother or the Brother Authorized Service Center with a copy of your dated bill of sale
showing that the machine was purchased within the U.S. For the name of local Brother
Authorized Service Center(s), call 1-800-521-2846.
What Brother will ask you to do:
After contacting Brother or a Brother Authorized Service Center, you may be required
to deliver (by hand if you prefer) or send the Product properly packaged, freight pre-
paid, to the Authorized Service Center together with a photocopy of your bill of sale.
You are responsible for the cost of shipping, packing product, and insurance (if
you desire). You are also responsible for loss or damage to the machine in ship-

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