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APPENDIX ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Stitches are
You have not threaded the upper
thread properly.
Correct the upper threading. page 21
You have not used the right combi-
nation of fabric, thread and needle.
Choose a thread and needle that are
appropriate for the type of fabric.
page 26
The needle is bent or blunt. Replace the needle. page 8
You have not inserted the needle
Insert the needle properly. page 8
Dust has accumulated under the
needle plate or in the bobbin case.
Remove the needle plate cover and
clean the plate and the bobbin case.
page 44
There is a high-
pitched noise
while sewing.
Dust has built up in the feed dogs or
in the bobbin case.
Clean the bobbin case. page 44
You have not threaded the upper
thread properly.
Correct the upper threading. page 21
The bobbin case is scratched.
Replace the bobbin case.
Contact your retailer or the nearest
authorized service center.
You have not used a bobbin that has
been designed for this machine.
Incorrect bobbins will not work
properly. Only use a bobbin that has
been designed for this machine.
page 16
The needle
threader can not
be used.
You have not moved the needle
holder to its highest position.
Turn the handwheel toward you
(counterclockwise) to raise the nee-
dle holder to the highest position.
page 22
You have not inserted the needle
Insert the needle properly. page 9
The stitch is not
sewn correctly.
The presser foot that you are using is
not correct for the type of stitch.
Attach the presser foot that is correct
for the type of stitch that you want to
The thread tension is incorrect.
Adjust the tension of the upper
page 25
The thread is tangled.
Remove the tangled thread. If the
thread is tangled in the bobbin case,
clean the bobbin case.
page 44
The fabric does
not feed.
The stitch is too fine. Lengthen the stitch length.
The darning plate is fitted on the
needle plate.
Remove the darning plate.
You have not used the right combi-
nation of fabric, thread and needle.
Choose a thread and needle that are
appropriate for the type of fabric.
page 26
The thread is tangled.
Remove the tangled thread. If the
thread is tangled in the bobbin case,
clean the bobbin case.
page 44
The sewing light
bulb does not
come on.
The sewing light bulb is damaged. Replace the sewing light bulb. page 44
Symptom Possible cause How to put it right Reference

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother BM-2700

Brother BM-2700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 51 pagina's

Brother BM-2700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 51 pagina's

Brother BM-2700 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 51 pagina's

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