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Error code Description Solution approach
30 Error in push-assist Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
40 Over-current detected in motor Reduce the load on the motor by pedaling less or by reducing the assist level.
41 Over-current detected in motor Reduce the load on the motor by pedaling less.
42 Fault in motor turning Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
43 Short-circuit in motor Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
44 Overheating of motor Reduce the load on the motor by pedaling less or by reducing the assist level.
45 The software has corrected an error du-
ring turning of the motor
Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
46 No motor movement detected although
a current of > 2 A was measured
Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
60 Interruption of data exchange on the
Check the cables and plug connections of all components of the e-Bike Sys-
70 Force applied to pedal not in valid range Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
71 Turning of pedals not detected Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
72 Force applied to pedal not detected Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
73 Fault in link to pedal force sensor Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
80 Incorrect motor parameter Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
81 An error was detected in the data Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
82 The program has been manipulated Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
83 Error in program sequence Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.
84 Incorrect motor parameter Switch off the system completely and then back on using the LED button(28)
on the battery pack(26). If the problem persists, contact your e-Bike dealer.

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  • Wie kan er mijn Bulls evo 3 met brose uitlezen?
    Stop niet altijd bij stilhouden van de trappers
    Omgeving Ternat Vindt niemand die zin heeft!
    Heb al alles geprobeerd om Bulls om hielp te vragen maar zonder antwoord
    Jan Gesteld op 27-12-2020 om 18:32

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Brose e-Bike Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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