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Instruction manual
When smelling gas:
1. Shut o the gas supply to the barbecue.
2. Extinguish any ames.
3. If the gas smell doesn’t disappear, keep your distance from the
barbecue and contact your gas supplier or re department straight
Gas leakage can cause re or explosions, which can lead to serious or
fatal injuries or damage of properties.
An incorrect installation can be dangerous, that’s why all instructions in
this manual must be strictly followed.
Not paying attention to the dangers, warnings and precautions in this
user manual can lead to serious or fatal injuries, or to re or explosions
causing damage to property.
Changing the appliance can be extremely dangerous.
Never store or use gasoline or other ammable liquids near this or other
Check the barbecue rst for leakages according to the instructions in
this manual before starting to use it. Perform these checks also when
the barbecue was mounted at the dealer.
Do not try to ignite this barbecue without rst having read chapter
“barbecue ignition instructions” in this manual.
Keep this user manual for future reference.
Follow the instructions for connecting the gas pressure regulator to
your Barbecue.
Never store a backup gas cylinder or disconnected cylinder underneath
or near this barbecue.
Never put barbecue covers or other inammable materials on top or in
the storage space of the barbecue.
After a long period in which the Brixton barbecue has not been used, it
must be checked for gas leaks and obstructions of the burners. Refer to
the instructions in this manual for the correct procedure.
Never check for gas leaks using a lighter.
Never use your Brixton barbecue in case of gas leaks at the gas
connections points.
Keep inammable materials at a minimum distance of 100 cm from the
sides or rear of the barbecue. Don’t store these inammable materials in
the storage space of the barbecue!
Your Brixton barbecue may not be used by children. The accessible
components of the barbecue can become very hot. Keep young
children away from the barbecue when using your Brixton barbecue.
Be careful when using your Brixton barbecue. During use or cleaning
the barbecue can still be hot, so always stay near the barbecue and
never move it while in use.
If one the burners turn o while preparing a dish, close all gas valves.
Wait ve minutes before you re-ignite the burners, following all ignition
instructions when doing so.
When preparing food, never lean over the barbecue or put your hands
or ngers on the front edge of the gas cylinder.
When cleaning the valves or burners, never enlarge the openings or
Keep your distance from ignition sources when replacing the gas
A dented or rusty gas cylinder can be dangerous. Have it checked by
your gas supplier. Never use a gas cylinder with a damaged valve.

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