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4. Safety information
Risk of injury from damaged child seat
In the event of an accident at a collision speed of more than 10 km/h, the child
seat may be damaged without the damage being immediately visible. Serious
injuries may result from another accident.
Replace product following an accident.
Have damaged product inspected (even if it has fallen onto the ground).
Regularly check all important parts for damage.
Ensure that all mechanical components work properly.
Never lubricate or oil parts of the product.
Properly dispose of the damaged product.
Risk of burns from hot components
Components of the product can become hot in direct sunlight. Children's skin
is sensitive and maybe harmed as a result.
Protect the product against intensive direct sunlight when not in use.
Risk of injury if installed incorrectly
If the product is installed or used other than as described in the operating
instructions, serious or even fatal injuries may result.
Only use on a car seat facing the direction of travel.
Note and follow the instructions in the vehicle handbook.
Risk of injury from front airbag
Airbags are designed to protect adults. The use of a front airbag with an infant
carrier can lead to fatal injuries.
Disable front airbag.
Note and follow the instructions in the vehicle handbook.
Risk of injury during use
The temperature in a vehicle can rise dangerously quickly. In addition, it is
dangerous to leave the vehicle on the side facing the street.
Never leave a child unsupervised in the vehicle.
Only fasten or remove seat module from the footpath-side.
Risk of injury from unsecured objects
In the case of an emergency stop or accident, unsecured objects or people
may cause injury to other occupants in the vehicle.
Never secure your child by holding them tightly on your lap.
Secure backrests of the vehicle find (e.g. engage foldable rear).
Secure all heavy or sharp-edged objects in the vehicle (e.g. on the parcel
Do not place objects in the foot well.
Ensure that everyone in the vehicle has their seatbelts fastened.
Ensure that the product is always secured when it is in the car, even if no
baby is being transported.
Risk of injury due to missing seat cover
The seat cover is an integral safety component of the child seat. If the seat
cover is not used, this may lead to serious or even fatal injuries.
Only use original BRITAXRÖMER replacement seat covers.
Replacement seat covers are available from your retailer.
Risk of injury to spine
An infant carrier is not intended to hold a baby for prolonged periods of time.
The semi-recumbent position in the infant carrier will always put a strain on
the child's spine.
Take breaks on long journeys.
Take the child out of the infant carrier as often as possible.
Do not keep your child in the infant carrier once it has been removed from
the car.
Only suitable for short journeys as a travel system with a pushchair. For
longer journeys with a pushchair, we recommend using a carry cot or
Avoid damaging the product
Product is not a toy.
Ensure that the product is not trapped between hard objects
(car door, seat rails, etc.).
Keep product away from: Damp, moisture, liquids, dust and salt spray.
Do not lean heavy objects on the product.
Risk of injury as a result of prohibited modification
This approval is invalidated if you make any modifications to this product.
Changes may only be made by the manufacturer. The stickers on the product
are an important component of the product.
Do not make any changes.
Do not remove stickers.
Avoid damaging the vehicle
Sensitive car seat covers may be damaged.
Use a BRITAX RÖMER child seat base. These are available separately.
5. Use in the vehicle
Secure infant carrier with belt A
1. Select suitable seat
WARNING! Note and follow the vehicle's operating instructions.
WARNING! Never secure the infant carrier with a 2-point seat belt.
)Car seats with i-Size approval are suitable.
)Car seats with a 3-point seat belt, which are approved according to
ECER16 (or comparable standard) are suitable.
)Only car seats arranged in the direction of travel are approved for use.
)Front airbag of the selected car seat is disabled.
2. Position infant carrier 14
)Child is strapped into the infant carrier. See chapter "Strap in child" page 1.
)Shoulder straps are adjusted correctly. See chapter "Shoulder belt" page 1.
)Handle is adjusted to position A. See chapter "Handle" page 1.
Position infant carrier on the car seat facing away from the direction of
)Child faces backwards.
3. Fasten lap belt 15
Pass the seat belt over the infant carrier.
Lock buckle tongues in seat belt lock.
Insert lap belt into the dark-green belt guides on both sides of the infant
carrier edge.
)Do not twist lap belt.
Pull the diagonal belt.
ªLap belt is tight.
Check position of the seat belt lock. If the seat belt lock is in or in front of
the dark-green belt guide, this seat is not approved. Select a dierent seat.
)If you have any doubts about installing the seat correctly, please contact
your retailer.
4. Fasten diagonal belt 16
Pull the diagonal belt behind the head end of the infant carrier.
Insert the diagonal belt into the light-green belt holder.
)Do not twist the diagonal belt.
Tighten diagonal belt.
Check before every use
Infant carrier is secured against the direction of travel.
If the vehicle has a front airbag, it is disabled.
Infant carrier is secured with a 3-point seat belt.
The lap belt passes through both dark-green belt guides.
The diagonal belt passes through the light-green belt holder.
The vehicle seat lock is neither in nor in front of the dark-green belt guide.
The seat belt is pulled tight and not twisted.
Handle is in the upper position A.
Shoulder belts are correctly adjusted.
Child is correctly strapped in.
Remove infant carrier from vehicle 17
Take diagonal belt out of the light-green belt holder.
Open vehicle belt lock.
Remove lap belt from the dark-green belt guides.
ªThe infant carrier can now be removed.
WARNING! The infant carrier must always be secured when it is in the
vehicle, even if no child is being transported.
Secure infant carrier with base station B
(i-Size universal ISOFIX)
WARNING! This product is approved exclusively for use with the
FLEXBASE iSENSE base station.
Note and follow instructions for the FLEXBASEiSENSE.
)Fastening the infant carrier is described in the instructions for the
6. Use with pushchair
This infant carrier can be used as a Travel System on all pushchair frames
which are approved for use with BRITAX RÖMER infant carriers. Exclusively
private use is permitted .
Only transport one child.
Always leave the child strapped into the infant carrier.
Never hold the infant carrier in order to lift or push the pushchair.
Do not use in combination with other pushchair frames.
Secure infant carrier to pushchair 18
Note and follow the instructions for the pushchair.
Lock the pushchair brake.
Position infant carrier facing against the direction of travel above the
WARNING! Never try to attach the infant carrier to the pushchair in
a forward-facing position.
Lock the hold points on both sides of the infant carrier into the fastening
ªAudible locks.
Check that the infant carrier is securely locked in place. Try to lift the infant
carrier. If it cannot be lifted from the pushchair, the infant carrier is securely
fastened in place.
Release infant carrier from pushchair 19
Note and follow the instructions for the pushchair.
Lock the pushchair brake.
Ensure that the handle is locked in position A. See chapter "Handle" page 1.
Pull and hold grey unlocking button.
Hold infant carrier tight and release from the pushchair.
7. Use in an aircraft
This product may only be used on an aircraft seat that has been approved by
the airline for this purpose.
)A suitable aircraft seat faces the direction of travel.
)A suitable aircraft seat does not have an airbag.
In case of emergency evacuation
Remove child from the infant carrier.
Follow the instructions from the cabin crew.
During the flight
Take the child out of the infant carrier as often as possible.
)Outside the take-o and landing phases, relieve the child’s spine: For
children younger than 4 months, use the cots provided by the airline.
Ensure that the product is always secured when it is in the aircraft, even if
no child is being transported.
If the seat-belt sign lights up, secure the child in the infant carrier.
Secure infant carrier in the aircraft 20
Position infant carrier on the seat facing away from the direction of travel.
Ensure that the handle is in the upper position A.
Place the seat belt into the two dark-green belt guides.
Close seat belt.
)Note the airline’s safety instructions.
Pull the end of the seat belt.
ªSeat belt is tight.
WARNING! The aircraft seat belt must never be placed in one of the
dark-green belt guides. If this is the case, use the belt shortener as described
)The belt shortener is not included in the extent of delivery.
1. Position belt shortener 21
Place the belt shortener on the aircraft seat belt with the buckle tongue.
)The belt shortener must be to the side of the infant carrier. The belt short-
ener must not be in the dark-green belt guide.
Insert the aircraft seat belt into both sides of the belt shortener.
ªThe middle of the belt shortener is still visible.
2. Shorten aircraft belt 22
Repeat the following steps until the aircraft seat belt is no longer in the dark-
green belt guide.
Turn belt shortener half a turn.
Insert belt shortener into the open slot on the belt shortener.
ªAircraft seat belt is shortened.
ªAircraft seat belt is not in the dark-green belt guide.
8. Cleaning and care
Clean plastic parts with soapy water.
Do not use abrasive cleaning agents (e.g. solvents).
Clean cover
Remove cover 23
Remove sunshade.
)Chapter “Sunshade” page 1.
Press red button to open the belt lock.
Release push buttons on the shoulder pads.
Pull cover up from the headrest.
Loosen cover from the edge of the infant carrier.
Carefully loosen cover from the control elements (BABY-SAFEiSENSE).
Remove cover.
WARNING! Never use product without cover.
Wash cover
Note information on the washing label.
Attach cover
Proceed as above in the reverse order.
Look after harness buckle
Dirt and foreign objects can impair the function of the harness buckle. Look
after the harness buckle if the buckle tongues only lock into the harness
buckle with diculty if at all.
Remove harness buckle 24
Tip infant carrier backwards.
Slide the metal plate of the harness buckle upright through the belt slot.
Look after harness buckle
Soak the harness buckle for an hour in warm water with cleaning agent.
Rinse harness buckle and leave to dry.
Fit belt lock 25
Slide the metal plate of the harness buckle upright through the belt slot.
Note direction.
Check fastening by pulling hard on the harness buckle.
9. Temporary storage of product
If you do not use the product for a longer period, please note the following
Store product in a secure and dry location.
Maintain storage temperature between 20 and 25 °C.
Do not lean heavy objects on the product.
Do not store product directly next to sources of heat or in direct sunlight.
The following also applies to the BABY-SAFE iSENSE:
Disable automatic mode.
Charge battery before temporary storage.
Fully charge the battery at least every 12 months.
10. Disposal
Please follow the disposal regulations applying in your country. Do not
dismantle this product.
The BABY-SAFE iSENSE must be disposed of with electrical waste.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Britax-Romer BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE

Britax-Romer BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Britax-Romer BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Britax-Romer BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

Britax-Romer BABY-SAFE 3 i-SIZE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 2 pagina's

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