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For Australian only:
We grant a 24 Month Replacement Warranty on this
appliance commencing on the date of purchase.
This warranty applies in all States and Territories
of Australia and in New Zealand and is in addition
to any mandatory statutory obligations imposed
on Procter & Gamble Australia Pty. Ltd., its
distributors and its manufacturer. This express
warranty does not purport to exclude, restrict or
modify any such mandatory statutory obligations.
This warranty only covers defects in the appliance
resulting from faults in workmanship or materials.
Therefore, if your appliance becomes faulty as a result
of faults in workmanship or materials, it will be
exchanged by your retailer, on presentation of proof
of purchase.
This warranty only applies to domestic or household
use of this appliance and the warranty will only apply
if the correct operating instructions included with this
product have been followed. The warranty on any
appliance replaced under this warranty ends on the
expiry of the warranty period that applied to the
original appliance.
This warranty does not cover:
A. Damage arising from improper use or operation
on incorrect voltages.
B. Breakages to shaver foils, glass jars, etc.
C. Normal wear due to moving parts.
D. Repairs undertaken by unauthorised service
or use of non genuine parts.
E. Appliances that are outside the warranty period
or are not faulty.
This appliance is not intended for use by young
children or infirm persons without supervision. Young
children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
If the appliance is supplied from a cord extension set
or electrical portable outlet device these should be
positioned so they are not subject to splashing or
ingress of moisture.
To the extent permitted by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and
applicable laws of a State or Territory of Australia, and
subject to the second paragraph of this warranty
above, this warranty is given in exchange for any other
rights you may have against Procter & Gamble
Australia Pty. Ltd. or its distributors or manufacturer,
whether at law, in tort (including negligence), in equity
or under statute.
Please retain proof of purchase of this appliance. If
you have any questions in relation to this warranty,
please call our Consumer Service line (see below for
Repairs and service
If you are sending your appliance for repair, please
pack the appliance adequately and send it to your
nearest Service Agent. For service or replacement
parts refer to the authorised Service Agents listed
overleaf. Local Service Agents may change from time
to time – in that event please contact the Consumer
Service free call number below for updated local
service agent details.
Australian Consumer Service (free call):
1 800 641 820
New Zealand Consumer Service (free call):
0 800 108 909
3217384_S4-46 Seite 45 Montag, 12. März 2007 1:31 13

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