Pagina terug
Pagina verder
All the indicator
lights are flashing.
The machine will not
move past STANDBY.
The Auto Mode
is not working.
My cup is overflowing.
My cup doesn’t fit.
Trouble shooting
12 Trouble shooting Trouble shooting 13
In the table below are solutions to problems that may occur. If you do not
find an appropriate solution, please refer to the “Tassimo careline” section.
1. Water level is too low.
2. No T-DISC in machine.
3. T-DISC is damaged.
4. Machine not prepared for use.
5. Internal machine fault.
The brew mechanism may not
be closed properly.
Bar code reader may not be able
to read the T-DISC label.
Each drink has been formulated
to produce the perfect amount
of liquid. Be sure that you are
using the right sized cup for
your drink.
The cup stand is too close to
the brew mechanism.
1. Refill the water container.
2. Place a T-DISC, label side down,
on the T-DISC holder and close
the brew mechanism.
3. Clean the bar code reading
window or replace the T-DISC.
4. Follow the procedure “Preparing
Your Machine for Use”.
5. Contact Tassimo careline.
Make sure that a T-DISC is placed
on the T-DISC holder and the brew
mechanism is firmly closed.
Clean the bar code reading window.
Replace the T-DISC.
You can still enjoy your preferred
drink by using the Manual Mode.
Ensure that you use the following
recommended cup sizes:
Coffee, Caffè crema, Chocolate*and Tea
Try lowering the cup stand to fit your
cup. You can also temporarily remove
the cup stand and drip tray, leaving
the splashback in place.
Liquid is splashing
out of the cup.
The machine is leaking
from the brew
The machine is leaking
from the bottom.
My drinks are brewing
shorter than usual.
I have lost my
cleaning disc.
My machine is not
operating; there are
no lights illuminated.
Cup is placed too far away
from the brew mechanism.
1. T-DISC is damaged or leaking.
2. The piercing unit is not
fitted properly.
1. Drip tray is full of water.
2. Splashback is not properly
The machine may require
A cleaning disc is needed to
rinse and descale the machine.
The electrical supply may not be
connected properly.
Adjust the height of the cup stand
up to ensure that the cup is closer to
the brew mechanism.
Press the start/stop button to
stop the brew cycle. Slowly open the
brew mechanism, remove the
T-DISC, and clean the inside of the
brew mechanism. Remove and
refit the piercing unit.
1. Empty the removable drip tray.
2. Remove and refit the splashback,
cup stand, and drip tray back
on the machine.
Descale the machine following the
“Descaling” procedure.
Contact Tassimo careline.
Check that the machine is properly
plugged into the electrical supply.
Check the on/off switch at the
back of the machine.

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