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The hood must be installed in conformity with the applicable regulations
concerning the ventilation of premises. In France, these regulations are
detailed in DTU 61.1 from the CSTB. In particular, the evacuated air must not
be channelled into a duct used to evacuate fumes from appliances using gas or
other combustible fuels. Disused ducts may only be used after approval from a
competent specialist.
The minimum distance between the cooking surface and the lowest part of the
hood must be 70 cm. If the instructions for the hob installed under the hood
specify a distance of more than 70 cm, this requirement must be respected.
Installing your hood ?
If you possess an outlet to the exterior
: fig. 4
Your hood can be connected to this using a flue (minimum Ø 125 mm, enamelled, made from
aluminium, flexible or made from a non-flammable material). If your flue is below 125 mm in
diameter, you must obligatorily use the "recycling" mode.
If y
ou do not possess an outlet to the exterior
: fig. 5
All of our appliances can be used in recycling mode.
In this case, you should add an active carbon filter which will keep in odours.
- Place the assembly template against the wall: fig. 2
- Draw a vertical line on the wall in order to perfectly line up your hood with your cooking
- Draw a mark on the vertical line at 70 cm (minimum) from your hob.
: in the case of a hollow wall, you should use suitable screws and wall plugs.
- Dismantle the filter cartridges (fig. 3).
- Attach the hood via its rectangular slots. The size of the slots enable you to position
the hood, moving it slightly to the left or right as needed (fig. 3).
Assembling your hood
Connecting up your hood
This appliance is delivered with a H 05 VVF power cable with three
conductors of 0.75 mm
(neutral, live and earth). This must be
connected to the 220-240 V single phase mains network via a CEI 60083
standard plug which must remain accessible following installation, or an all
pole cut-off device with a minimum contact opening distance of 3 mm. We will
not be liable in the event of an accident arising following incorrect or
non-existent earthing. The fuse for your installation must be 10 or 16A. If the
power cable is damaged, call the after sales service department in order to
avoid danger.
Adjust the height and level by manoeuvring the bracket adjustment
screws ("A") and then attach the hood securely to the wall by tightening
the screws ("B") (Fig. 3).
99626002_ML.qxd 01/07/03 12:42 Page 4

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