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7. Cleaning
Pull out the power plug from the socket before starng the cleaning process!
Use a slightly moist cloth for cleaning (weed with water). For cleaning, never
immerse the device into water! This could lead to electric shock or re!
8. Safety instrucons and disclaimer
Please do not try to open the appliance to carry out repairs or modicaons by
yourself. Avoid contact with the mains supply. The device does not carry current
only when disconnected. Please do not short-circuit the product. Do not forget
to disconnect the power cord when the appliance is not being used or during
thunderstorms. The appliance is not approved for outdoor use. Therefore, please
use it only in dry surroundings. Protect it from high humidity, water and snow. Do
not expose the device to high temperatures. Do not expose the device to sudden
changes in temperature or strong vibraons, as this could damage the electronic
components. Check the device for any damage before using it. The device should
not be used if it has been subject to impact or has been damaged in any other way.
Please follow the local regulaons and restricons. Do not use the appliance for
purposes other than those described in this manual. This product is not a toy. Keep
it out of the reach of children or mentally disabled persons. Any repair or modi-
caons to the appliance, which is not carried out by the original supplier, will void
any warranty and guarantee claims. The device should be used only by persons
who have read and understood this user manual. The specicaons of the device
may be changed without prior nocaon.
9. Disposal instrucons
In line with the European WEEE direcve, electrical and electronic devices should
not be disposed of along with domesc waste. Their components have to be
separately sent for recycling or disposal, because improper disposal of toxic and
dangerous components may permanently damage the environment. According
to the electronic equipment act (ElektroG), you are obliged (as a consumer) to
return (free of charge) all electrical and electronic devices to the manufactur-
er, the point of sale, or public collecon points at the end of their service life.
The relevant local laws regulate the details in this regard. The symbol displayed
on the product, in the user manual or/and on the packaging refers to these
regulaons. With this manner of sorng, recycling and disposal of used devic-
es, you make an important contribuon towards protecng our environment.

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