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Read these instructions
carefully before use and
keep them in a safe
This appliance may be
used, cleaned and
serviced by children
older than 8 years of
age provided they are
supervised by a person
responsible for their
safety. Keep the
appliance and the
power cord away from
children younger than 8.
Children are not allowed
to play with the
appliance. Children
should always be
monitored to prevent
them from playing with
the appliance.
The appliance may
be used by persons
with a physical, sensory,
mental or motor
disability and by
persons without the
necessary experience
and knowledge,
provided they are
supervised by
a person responsible
for their safety, or when
they are given
instructions on how to
safely use the appliance
and if understand the
dangers that come with
the use of the appliance.
This appliance is only intended for normal
household use.
Never leave the appliance unattended
when in use.
Only use the appliance and accessories
for their intended purposes. Do not use
the appliance and accessories for any
other purposes than those described in
the instructions.
Do not use the appliance when a part,
accessory, the power cord or plug is
damaged or defective. Only let the
supplier or an acknowledged service
centre replace a damaged or defective
part, accessory, power cord or plug.
Do not use the appliance near facilities
containing water, such as bath tubs,
showers and wash basins.
Do not immerse the appliance in water or
any other liquid. If this nevertheless
happens, unplug the appliance from
the wall socket as soon as possible.
Never remove the appliance from
water or other liquids before unplugging
it from the wall socket. You can no longer
use an appliance that has been immersed
in water or other liquids.
Make sure that water cannot get into the
connection points of the power cord nor
the extension cord.
Always keep the power cord away from
heat sources, oil and sharp edges.
Always check, before use, that the mains
voltage corresponds to the voltage on the
rating plate of the appliance.
For extra safety, connect the appliance
to a group protected by a residential
current operated circuit breaker with a
nominal operating current of max. 30 mA.
Never operate the appliance by means of
an external time switch or a separate
remote control system.
Always unroll the power cord and
extension cord (when applicable) fully.
Make sure that the power cord and
extension cord (when applicable) do not
dangle over the edge of the worktop to
prevent them from becoming entangled or
somebody accidentally tripping over them.
Do not unplug the appliance by pulling the
power cord.
Always unplug the appliance when not in
Do not use the appliance outdoors. Place
the appliance on a stable and level surface.
Keep the appliance away from heat
sources. Do not place the appliance on hot
surfaces or near open flames.
Make sure your hands are dry before you
touch the appliance.
Unplug the appliance before assembling
or disassembling it and before cleaning or
servicing the unit.
Engine driven appliances: beware of sharp
and/or moving parts. Always keep your
hands away from the moving parts when
using, cleaning or servicing the appliance.
Heating devices: wait until the appliance
has cooled down before you touch the
housing and parts of the unit.
Be extra careful during cleaning and servicing.
The kettle may only be used to boil
water. The appliance is not suitable for
boiling other liquids.
Use only tap water. Never use
carbonated water!
The kettle has the following features:
On/off switch with illuminated on-off
Water level indicator
Button to open the lid
Removable filter
Place the appliance on a stable, level
and spatter-free heat-resistant surface.
Make sure there is enough space
around the appliance for the heat to
escape and for sufficient ventilation.
Do not cover the appliance.
Make sure the kettle does not come into
contact with flammable materials.
Keep the appliance away from heat
Make sure that children have no access
to stored appliances.
Be careful with hot water and steam so
as to avoid burns.
The lid of the kettle must be closed
during use. When the lid is not properly
closed, the steam cut-off will not work!
Only use the base that came with the
8 9

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