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Make sure your hands are dry before you touch
the appliance.
Unplug the appliance before assembling
or disassembling it and before cleaning or
servicing the unit.
Engine driven appliances: beware of sharp
and/or moving parts. Always keep your hands
away from the moving parts when using,
cleaning or servicing the appliance.
Heating devices: wait until the appliance has
cooled down before you touch the housing and
parts of the unit.
Be extra careful during cleaning and servicing.
Your BOURGINI juicer has been designed
for rapidly pressing citrus fruits. The appliance
is suitable for domestic use only.
1. Pressing cone
2. Pulp collector
3. Juice collector
4. Motor housing with lever
5. Juicer cone cup
6. Drip stop control
7. Jar
Clean the appliance. Refer to the section
Cleaning and maintenance”.
Before assembly, remove the mains plug
from the wall socket and wait for the motor
to stop running.
Place the motor housing (4) onto the jar (7).
Make sure that the drip stop control (6) is
fully pressed by the jar (7).
Place the juice collector (3) onto the motor
housing (4).
Place the pulp collector (2) onto the juice
collector (3)
Place the pressing cone (1) onto the
pulp collector (2).
Do not use the appliance without the juice
collector (3), juice may run into the motor
Do not leave the appliance switched on
continuously for more than three minutes.
Let the appliance cool down for
approximately five minutes after every ten
Assemble the juicer. Refer to the section
Cut the fruit in half and place one cut side over
the juicer cone or in juicer cone cup in the lid.
Press the citrus fruit with the lever. The
appliance automatically starts to press the
citrus fruit. The juice automatically flows
into the jar.
Press the citrus fruit until hardly any more
juice is extracted from the citrus fruit. The
appliance automatically stops when the
pressure is released.
Note: The appliance automatically changes
direction when it is switched off and on in
order to increase the amount of juice being
Stop pressing the citrus fruit in one of the
following situations:
- No more juice is extracted from the citrus
- The jar is filled with the required amount
of juice;
- The jar has reached the maximum
Remove the motor housing from the jar.
After use, remove the mains plug from the
wall socket.
The appliance must be cleaned after each use.
Before cleaning or maintenance, remove
the mains plug from the wall socket and
wait for the motor to stop running.
Do not immerse the appliance in water or
other liquids.
Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaning
agents to clean the appliance.
Do not use sharp objects to clean the

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