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Clean the appliance after every use.
After use, turn the thermostat to “0”, then
unplug the appliance, wait until it has cooled
down and remove the thermometer from the
When cleaning the appliance, do not use sharp
objects, aggressive detergents or scrubbing
sponges or brushes.
Use kitchen towel to remove any removes.
Do so when the Multi Plate has not cooled
down fully (but is no longer hot!), as then any
remains will come free more easily.
The removable thermometer and its cord must
be kept dry at all times. Never immerse them
in water or any other liquid. Clean the
thermometer, the thermostat and the cord
with a soft cloth.
The Multi Plate can be cleaned with soapy
water and is also dishwasher-safe. Dry the
Multi Plate, and the thermometer in
particular, thoroughly with a dry cloth.
The wooden spatulas can be cleaned in soapy
water and then dried thoroughly.
Electrical appliances, accessories and their
packaging must be reused as much as possible in
an environmentally sound manner. Do not dispose
of these items together with your normal rubbish.
Only for EU countries:
According to the European 2002/96/EG WEEE
Guideline on the disposal of old electric and
electronic appliances, the appliances that are no
longer used must be collected and recycled in an
environmentally sound manner.
The warranty is valid for a period of 2 years
from the date of purchase as stated on your
purchase receipt, which also your proof of
warranty. Please turn to your retailer to claim
your warranty. The warranty shall not apply
if the product is subjected to incorrect use,,
improperly disassembled, damaged by falls,
impacts or similar, or if damage is caused
due to failure to descale in good time products
that are manufactured for use with water.
Should a certain product be provided with
specific warranty terms and conditions, these
shall receive priority over general terms and
conditions. The warranty shall not apply to
indirect damages. Should you have any questions
regarding the use of the product, please consult
our website at www.bourgini.com
Changes reserved; specifications are subject to
change without stating grounds for doing so.
8 9
or disassembling it and before cleaning or
servicing the unit.
Engine driven appliances: beware of sharp
and/or moving parts. Always keep your hands
away from the moving parts when using,
cleaning or servicing the appliance.
Heating devices: wait until the appliance has
cooled down before you touch the housing and
parts of the unit.
Be extra careful during cleaning and servicing.
The Multi Plate is designed for fat-free frying and
grilling. It is equipped with a non-stick surface and
a thermostat to keep the Multi Plate at the required
Always position the Multi Plate on a stable and
flat surface.
While the Multi Plate has a base that prevents
the surface from becoming hot, positioning the
Multi Plate on a plastic table cloth or other
sensitive surface is not recommended. In that
case, put, for example, a robust place mat or
heat-resistant trivet under the Multi Plate.
Ensure there is sufficient space around the Multi
Plate to allow the heat to escape and for
Do not use metal cutlery on the Metal Plate, as
this will damage the non-stick layer. Use
wooden spatulas wherever possible.
Do not pour cold water onto the appliance when
it is turned on, as the water will spatter and also
damage the Multi Plate.
Be careful of steam and spatters when placing
food on the Multi Plate and when cooking fatty
The Multi Plate becomes very hot when in use.
Do not touch the Multi Plate. When the Multi
Plate is on, only touch the handles.
After use, turn the thermostat to “0”, then
unplug the appliance, wait until it has cooled
down and remove the thermometer from the
Do not move the appliance while it is on or still
hot. Use oven gloves if you have to touch the
The removable cord with the thermometer must
be kept dry at all times.
Clean the Multi Plate before using it for the first
time (see “Cleaning and maintenance”).
Insert the thermometer into the appliance.
Plug in the appliance.
Set the thermostat to the maximum
temperature of 215°C using the dial.
Wait a few minutes until the temperature light
turns off - this means the Multi Plate has
reached the temperature set.
Note: It is normal for some smoke with an unusual
smell to be generated the first time that the
appliance is used. This will stop of its own accord.
Before putting food on the Multi Plate:
Prepare the food, for example with spices or
Give the Multi Plate a quick clean with a soft
moist cloth.
Insert the thermometer into the appliance and
plug it in.
Set the thermostat to the desired temperature.
Turn the thermostat to the right to increase
the temperature and to the left to decrease the
Wait until the temperature set has been
reached. The temperature light will turn on and
stay on until the Multi Plate has reached the
temperature set, then the light will go out. The
light will regularly turn on again briefly, while
the heating element is heating up again to
maintain the temperature.
Grill the food on the Multi Plate until it is ready
to eat.
Experiment with the temperature and the
cooking time for the best results.
Small pieces of food grill and fry better than
large pieces.
Turn the food over using a spatula.
It is best to turn over meat or fish only once so
that it does not dry out.
Defrosting food on the Multi Plate is much quicker
than, for example, on a ceramic or plastic plate. The
Multi Plate does not need to be turned on to defrost
food. Defrost food without plugging in the appliance!

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