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“Made for iPod” means that an electronic
accessory has been designed to connect
specifically to iPod and has been certified by
the developer to meet Apple performance
standards. Apple is not responsible for the
operation of this device or its compliance with safety and
regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory
with iPod may affect wireless performance.
Made for:
iPod touch (1st and 2nd generation)
iPod nano (3rd, 4th, and 5th generation)
iPod classic
iPod with video
Licensing information
This product contains one or more free or open source software
programs originating from third parties and distributed as part of
the STLinux software package. Visit www.stlinux.com/download
for further details. This free and open source software is subject
to the terms of the GNU General Public License, GNU Library/
Lesser General Public License, or other different and/or
additional copyright licenses, notices and disclaimers. To
understand your rights under these licenses, please refer to the
specific terms of the licenses, notices, and disclaimers, which are
provided to you in an electronic file, named “licenses.pdf,”
located within the product’s control console. To read this file, you
will need a computer with a USB port and a software program
that can view .pdf files. To download “licenses.pdf” from your
product’s control console:
1. Press and hold the Setup button on the front of the control
console to display the System Information screen.
2. Insert a USB drive (there should be one included in your sys-
tem package) into the USB input on the front of the control
3. Press the OK button on the remote control to copy the file to
the USB drive. This download process should be completed
within 30 seconds. You may then remove the USB drive.
4. To read the file “licenses.pdf,” plug the USB drive into a
computer with a USB port, navigate to the USB root directory,
and open “licenses.pdf” with a software program that can
view .pdf files.
To receive a copy of the source code for the open source
software programs included in this product, please mail your
written request to: Licensing Manager, Mailstop 6A2, Bose
Corporation, The Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168. Bose
Corporation will distribute such source code to you on a disc for
a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution, such
as the cost of media, shipping, and handling. All of the above
referenced licenses, notices, and disclaimers are reproduced and
available with such source code. This offer is valid for a period of
three (3) years following the date of distribution of this product by
Bose Corporation.
Product data logger
The VideoWave™ system features a product data logger that
is designed to help Bose better understand product usage and
performance over time. The product data logger records certain
technical data and usage history, including but not limited to
volume levels, on/off data, user settings, source inputs,
temperature and power output, and setup data. We may use this
data to provide you with better service and support on your
VideoWave system and to improve product design in the future.
Special equipment is required to read the data stored by the
product data logger and such data can only be retrieved by Bose
if your VideoWave system is returned to Bose for service or as
returned merchandise. The product data logger does not collect
any personally identifiable information about you and does not
record title, genre or other information about the media content
you access while using your VideoWave system.
MOG.book Page 38 Monday, November 8, 2010 12:21 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose Video Wave

Bose Video Wave Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 39 pagina's

Bose Video Wave Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 39 pagina's

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