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Setting Up
Select the locations for your 201
or 301
201 and 301 speakers are designed to fit horizontally on a stable and level table or
shelf (
Figure 2).
Place the left and right speakers (marked on the back of each one) on the left and right sides
of your room, as you face them. Exactly where you put them depends on the size and style of
your room and where you think they sound best. Feel free to experiment to find a location
that is both convenient and provides the sound you prefer.
Note: Because the grilles on the front of each speaker protect the drivers inside, we recom-
mend that you do not remove them.
CAUTION: 201 and 301 speakers are designed specifically for placement on a stationary
shelf, table, or stand. On smooth surfaces like marble, glass or highly polished wood, vibra-
tions may cause the speakers to slide. So be sure to attach the self-adhesive rubber feet to
the bottom surface of each speaker for added stability and protection. The feet go in the cor
ners of the flat surface, 1” back from the center of the curved front panel. Do not use these
speakers in a moving vehicle. To mount the speakers on a wall, use only the Bose WB-3 wall
mounting bracket. Please follow the mounting instructions that come with these brackets.
Improperly mounted speakers may fall, causing injury and damage.
Here are some basic guidelines below:
Leave at least 24 inches (60 cm) from the speakers to any TV screens or monitors.
Keep the back of the speakers within 18 inches (45 cm) of the wall behind them.
Figure 2
Placement guidelines
CAUTION: For the most realistic sound image, make sure the left speaker is placed on the left
and the right speaker is on the right side of your room, as you face them.
12" (30 cm)
or more
18" (45 cm)
or more
(1-4 m)
18" (45 cm)
or more

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose 301 series

Bose 301 series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Bose 301 series Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 9 pagina's

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