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Key to symbols and safety instructions
Tronic 1000 T – 6 720 821 421 (2017/10)
1 Key to symbols and safety instructions
1.1 Key to symbols
The following keywords are defined and can be used in this
NOTICE indicates a situation that could result in damage to
property or equipment.
CAUTION indicates a situation that could result in minor to
medium injury.
WARNING indicates a situation that could result in severe
injury or death.
DANGER indicates a situation that will result in severe
injury or death.
Important information
Additional symbols
1.2 Safety information
The water heater must only be
installed by an authorised person.
Instructing the customer
Do not operate this water heater until
all operating instructions have been
read and understood by the
Do not activate this water heater
unless the cylinder is filled with water.
Do not block or seal the relief safety
valve or drain pipe.
The water heater warranty can
become void if relief valves or other
safety devices are tampered with, or
if the installation is not in accordance
with these instructions.
Do not place any articles, chemicals
or flammable materials on or near the
water heater.
During the installation isolate the
appliance from the power supply.
Warnings in this document are identified by
a warning triangle printed against a grey
Keywords at the start of a warning indicate
the type and seriousness of the ensuing risk
if measures to prevent the risk are not taken.
This symbol indicates important information
where there is no risk to people or property.
Symbol Explanation
Step in an action sequence
Cross-reference to another part of the document
•List entry
List entry (second level)
Table 1
This water heater must be
installed in accordance with:
Installation Instructions
AS/NZS 3500.4 “National
Plumbing & Drainage
AS/NZS 3000 “Wiring
Municipal Building Codes
Any other State or Federal
Statutory Regulations

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