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en Installation and connection
Use only a residual current operated
circuit-breaker which features
the symbol . Only this extension
guarantees compliance with
the currently valid regulations.
The appliance features a water
damage protection system. Please
note the system will not function
unless the power supply
is connected.
Removing the appliance
Also observe
the sequence of worksteps here.
1. Disconnect the appliance from
the power supply.
2. Turn off the water supply.
3. Undo the waste water and drinking
water connection.
4. Loosen fastening screws for
the furniture parts.
5. If fitted, remove the base panel.
6. Pull out the appliance, carefully
pulling the hose behind.
Empty the dishwasher and secure loose
Drain the appliance according to the
following steps:
1. Turn on the tap.
2. Close the door.
3. Switch on ON/OFF switch (.
4. Select programme with the highest
The expected programme duration is
indicated on the numerical display
5. Press START button h.
Programme sequence starts.
6. After approx. 4 minutes press the
START button h until :‹‚ is
indicated on the digital display.
After approx. 1 min :‹‹ is indicated
on the digital display .
7. Switch off ON/OFF switch (.
8. Turn off the tap, disconnect supply
hose and drain water.
Transport appliance upright only.
(This prevents residual water from
running into the machine control and
damaging the programme sequence.)
Protection against frost
Protection against frost (Emptying the appliance)
If the appliance is in a room where there
is a risk of frost (e.g. holiday home),
empty the appliance completely (see

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch SMI69N45EU

Bosch SMI69N45EU Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 42 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 46 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Snelstart handleiding - Polski - 2 pagina's

Bosch SMI69N45EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 44 pagina's

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