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Waste-water connection
The required work sequence can be
found in the installation instructions. If
required, fit a siphon with an drainage
Connect the waste-water hose to the
drainage connection of the siphon with
the enclosed parts.
Ensure that the drainage hose is not
kinked, crushed or twisted and that
there is no cover plate in the drainage
to prevent the waste water from flowing
Fresh water connection
Connect the fresh-water connection to
the tap according to the installation
instructions with the enclosed parts.
Ensure that the fresh-water connection
is not kinked, crushed or twisted.
When replacing the appliance, always
use a new water supply hose.
Water pressure:
at least 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar), maximum
1 MPa (10 bar). At a higher water
pressure: connect pressure-reducing valve
Inlet rate:
minimum 10 litres/minute
Water temperature:
max. temperature 25 °C
Electrical connection
Connect the appliance to an
alternating current only, ranging from
220 V to 240 V and 50 Hz or 60 Hz
via a correctly installed socket with
protective earth conductor. See rating
plate for required fusing 1b.
The socket must be near the appliance
and freely accessible following
If the plug is not freely accessible, an
allpole disconnector with a contact
opening of at least 3 mm must be
fitted on the installation side to satisfy
the relevant safety instructions.
The connection may be modified by
technicians only.
A power cord extension may be
purchased from customer service only.
Use only a residual current operated
circuit-breaker which features
the symbol . Only this extension
guarantees compliance with
the currently valid regulations.
The appliance features a water
damage protection system. Please
note the system will not function
unless the power supply is connected.
Removing the appliance
Also observe the sequence of worksteps
Disconnect the appliance from the
power supply.
Turn off the water supply.
Disconnect the waste water and fresh
water connections.
Pull out the appliance, carefully pulling
the hose behind.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch SKS51E16EU

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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