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Before you switch ON
the appliance
Please read the operating and installation
instructions carefully. They contain
important information on how to install, use
and maintain the appliance.
Retain all documents for subsequent use
or for the next owner.
Check the packaging and dishwasher
immediately for damage caused in
transit. Do not switch on a damaged
appliance, but contact your supplier.
Please dispose of the packaging
material in an environmentally friendly
Do not let children play with packaging
and its parts. There is a risk of
suffocation from collapsible boxes and
Read the “Installation” chapter to learn
how to install and connect the appliance
In daily use
This appliance is intended for use in
the home and the home environment.
Use the dishwasher
only in the household and only for its
designed purpose: for washing
domestic dishes.
Children or people whose physical,
sensory or mental abilities prevent
them from using the appliance safely
must not use this appliance without
supervision or instruction
by a responsible person.
Do not lean or sit on the open door.
The appliance could tip.
Please note that free-standing
appliances may tip over if the baskets
are overloaded.
Do not add any solvents
to the washing chamber.
Danger of explosion!
Open the door carefully
when the programme is still running.
There is a risk of hot water spraying
out of the appliance.
Read and observe the safety
information and instructions
for use on the packaging for cleaning
and rinsing agents.
m Warning
Knives and other utensils with sharp points
must be placed in the cutlery basket with
the points downwards or horizontally on
the knife shelf *.
* depending on model
Children in the household
If fitted, use the childproof lock. An
exact description can be found in the
back of the envelope.
Do not allow children to play with or
operate the appliance.
Keep children away from detergents
and rinse aid. These may cause
chemical burns in the mouth, throat
and eyes or asphyxiation.
Keep children away from open
dishwasher. The water in the rinsing
compartment is not drinking water and
could contain detergent residue.
Childproof lock (door lock)
Door lock
The description of the childproof lock is at
the back in the envelope.
* depending on model
Safety instructions

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch SKS51E16EU

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

Bosch SKS51E16EU Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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