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Proving dough
When the Prove operating mode is used, dough will prove
considerably more quickly than at room temperature.
You may select any shelf position you wish for the wire rack or
place the wire rack carefully on the cooking compartment floor.
Caution: do not scratch the cooking compartment floor.
Stand the dough bowl on the wire rack. Do not cover the
Before juicing, place the berries in a bowl and sprinkle with
sugar. Leave to stand for at least one hour to draw out the
Pour the berries into the perforated cooking container and
insert at level 3. Insert the baking tray at level 1 to catch the
Finally, place the berries in a cloth and squeeze out the rest of
the juice.
Preserve food which is as fresh as possible. When foods are
stored for a relatively long period, their vitamin content is
reduced and they ferment and spoil more easily.
Only use fruit and vegetables which are in perfect condition.
The following foods cannot be preserved with your appliance:
Contents of tins, meat, fish or pastry dough.
Check preserving jars, rubber rings, clips and springs.
Clean rubber rings and jars thoroughly with hot water. The
"Sterilise bottles" programme is also suitable for cleaning
Place the jars in the perforated cooking container. They must
not be in contact with each other.
After the specified cooking time, open the appliance door.
Do not remove the preserving jars from the appliance until they
have completely cooled down.
Frozen products
Observe the instructions on the packaging. The cooking times indicated apply to dishes placed in a cold
cooking compartment.
Food Amount Accessories Temperature in°C Cooking time
in min.
Yeast dough 1 kg bowl + wire rack 40 20 30
Sourdough 1 kg bowl + wire rack 40 20 30
Food Accessories Level Mode of operation Temperature in °C Duration in min
Raspberries Perforated cooking container
+ baking tray
Steam 100 30 - 45
Red currants Perforated cooking container
+ baking tray
Steam 100 40 - 50
Food Accessories Position Type of heating Temperature in °C Cooking time
in min.
Vegetables 1-litre preserving jars 2 Steam 100 30 - 120
Stone fruits 1-litre preserving jars 2 Steam 100 25 - 30
Pip fruits 1-litre preserving jars 2 Steam 100 25 - 30
Food Accessories Level Operating
time in min.
Chips baking tray + greaseproof paper 2 Hot air 170 190 25 35
Croquettes baking tray + greaseproof paper 2 Hot air 180 200 18 - 22
Rösti baking tray + greaseproof paper 2 Hot air 180 200 25 - 30
Pasta, fresh, refrigerated* baking tray 2 Steam 100 5 - 10
Lasagne, frozen baking tray + wire rack 2 Combination 190 210 35 - 55
Pizza, thin base baking tray + wire rack 2 Hot air 180 200 15 - 23
Pizza, deep-pan baking tray + wire rack 2 Hot air 180 200 18 - 25
Pizza baguette baking tray + wire rack 2 Hot air 180 200 18 - 22
Pizza, chilled baking tray 2 Hot air 170 180 12 - 17
Herb butter baguette, refrigerated baking tray 2 Hot air 180 200 15 - 20
Bread rolls, baguette, frozen baking tray + wire rack 2 Hot air 180 200 18 - 22
Pretzels, frozen baking tray + greaseproof paper 2 Hot air 180 200 18 - 22
* Add a little liquid

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch HBC36D7B4

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Türkiye - 40 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 36 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 36 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Norsk - 36 pagina's

Bosch HBC36D7B4 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 36 pagina's

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