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Important safety information en
(Important safety
Important safety information
General information
:Warning – Risk of fire!
Combustible items stored in the cooking
compartment may catch fire. Never store
combustible items in the cooking
compartment. Never open the appliance
door if there is smoke inside. Switch off the
appliance and unplug it from the mains or
switch off the circuit breaker in the fuse box.
Risk of fire!
A draught is created when the appliance
door is opened. Greaseproof paper may
come into contact with the heating element
and catch fire. Do not place greaseproof
paper loosely over accessories during
preheating. Always weight down the
greaseproof paper with a dish or a baking
tin. Only cover the surface required with
greaseproof paper. Greaseproof paper
must not protrude over the accessories.
:Warning – Risk of burns!
The appliance becomes very hot. Never
touch the interior surfaces of the cooking
compartment or the heating elements.
Always allow the appliance to cool down.
Keep children at a safe distance.
Risk of serious burns!
Accessories and ovenware become very
hot. Always use oven gloves to remove
accessories or ovenware from the cooking
Risk of burns!
Alcoholic vapours may catch fire in the hot
cooking compartment. Never prepare food
containing large quantities of drinks with a
high alcohol content. Only use small
quantities of drinks with a high alcohol
content. Open the appliance door with care.
:Warning – Risk of scalding!
The accessible parts become hot during
operation. Never touch the hot parts. Keep
children at a safe distance.
Risk of scalding!
When you open the appliance door, hot
steam can escape. Steam may not be
visible, depending on its temperature. When
opening, do not stand too close to the
appliance. Open the appliance door
carefully. Keep children away.
Risk of scalding!
Water in a hot cooking compartment may
create hot steam. Never pour water into the
hot cooking compartment.
:Warning – Risk of injury!
Scratched glass in the appliance door may
develop into a crack. Do not use a glass
scraper, sharp or abrasive cleaning aids or
Risk of injury!
The hinges on the appliance door move
when opening and closing the door, and
you may be trapped. Keep your hands away
from the hinges.
:Warning – Risk of electric shock!
Incorrect repairs are dangerous. Repairs
may only be carried out and damaged
power cables replaced by one of our
trained after-sales technicians. If the
appliance is defective, unplug the appliance
from the mains or switch off the circuit
breaker in the fuse box. Contact the after-
sales service.
Risk of electric shock and serious injury!
The cable insulation on electrical
appliances may melt when touching hot
parts of the appliance. Never bring
electrical appliance cables into contact with
hot parts of the appliance.
Risk of electric shock!
Do not use any high-pressure cleaners or
steam cleaners, which can result in an
electric shock.
Risk of electric shock!
A defective appliance may cause electric
shock. Never switch on a defective
appliance. Unplug the appliance from the
mains or switch off the circuit breaker in the
fuse box. Contact the after-sales service.
:Warning – Hazard due to magnetism!
Permanent magnets are used in the control
panel or in the control elements. They may
affect electronic implants, e.g. heart
pacemakers or insulin pumps. Wearers of
electronic implants must stay at least 10 cm
away from the control panel.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch CSG656BS1

Bosch CSG656BS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 68 pagina's

Bosch CSG656BS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

Bosch CSG656BS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 68 pagina's

Bosch CSG656BS1 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 16 pagina's

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