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Please keep this instruction manual. When passing the va-
cuum cleaner on to a third party, please also pass on this
instruction manual.
Intended use
This vacuum cleaner is intended for domestic use and not for
commercial use. Only use this vacuum cleaner in accordance
with the instructions in this instruction manual. The manufac-
turer will not accept any responsibility for damage caused by
improper use or incorrect operation.
Therefore, please note the following points.
The vacuum cleaner must only be operated with:
Original replacement parts, accessories or special acces-
In order to prevent injuries and damage, the vacuum cleaner
must not be used for:
Vacuum-cleaning persons or animals
Vacuuming up:
insects or spiders.
hazardous, sharp-edged, hot or glowing substances.
damp or liquid substances.
highly flammable or explosive substances and gases.
ash, soot from tiled stoves and central heating
toner dust from printers and copiers.
Safety information
This vacuum cleaner complies with the re-
cognised rules of technology and the rele-
vant safety regulations.
The appliance may be used by children
over the age of 8 years and by persons
with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capacity or by persons with a lack of expe-
rience or knowledge if they are supervised
or have been instructed on the safe use
of the appliance and the have understood
the potential dangers of using the appli-
Children must never play with the appli-
Cleaning and user maintenance must ne-
ver be carried out by children without
Plastic bags and films must be kept out
of the reach of children before disposal.
>= Risk of suffocation.
Proper use
Only connect and use the vacuum cleaner in accordance
with the specifications on the rating plate.
Never vacuum without the dust bag or dust container, mo-
tor protection or exhaust filter.
>= This may damage the vacuum cleaner.
Floor tools are subject to a certain amount of wear, de-
pending on the type of hard floors you have (e.g. rough,
rustic tiles). Therefore, you must check the underside of
the floor tool at regular intervals. Worn undersides of floor
tools may have sharp edges that can damage sensitive
hard floors, such as parquet or linoleum. The manufacturer
does not accept any responsibility for damage caused by
worn floor tools.
Do not vacuum close to the head when using a nozzle and
tube. => This could cause injury!
When vacuuming stairs, the appliance must always be posi-
tioned below the user.
Do not use the power cord or the hose to carry or transport
the vacuum cleaner.
For safety reasons, if this appliance's mains power cable
becomes damaged, it must be replaced by the manufactu-
rer, their after-sales service department or a similarlyqua-
lified person.
Fully extend the power cord when using the vacuum clea-
ner continuously for several hours.
When disconnecting the appliance from the mains, pull on
the plug itself to remove it; do not pull on the power cord.
Do not pull the power cord over sharp edges or allow it to
become trapped.
Pull out the mains plug before carrying out any work on the
vacuum cleaner.
Do not operate the vacuum cleaner if it is damaged. Unplug
the appliance from the mains if a fault is detected.
For safety reasons, only authorised after-sales service per-
sonnel are permitted to carry out repairs and fit replace-
ment parts to the vacuum cleaner.
Protect the vacuum cleaner from the weather, moisture and
sources of heat.
Do not pour flammable substances or substances contai-
ning alcohol onto the filters (dust bag, motor protection
filter, exhaust filter, etc.).
The vacuum cleaner is not suitable for use on construction
sites. => Vacuuming up building rubble could damage the
Switch off the appliance when it is not in use.
At the end of its life, the appliance should immediately be
rendered unusable, then disposed of in an appropriate
Please note
The mains socket must be protected by at least a 16 amp
circuit breaker.
If a circuit breaker is tripped when you switch on the vacu-
um cleaner, this may be because other electrical applian-
ces which have a high current draw are connected to the
same power circuit.
To prevent the circuit breaker from tripping, select the lo-
west power setting before switching the appliance on, and
increase the power only once it is running.
Disposal information
The packaging is designed to protect the vacuum cleaner
from being damaged during transportation. It is made of
environmentally friendly materials and can therefore be re-
cycled. Dispose of packaging that is no longer required at
an appropriate recycling point.
Old appliance
Old appliances still contain many valuable materials.
Therefore, please take appliances that have reached the
end of their service life to your retailer or recycling cen-
tre so that they can be recycled. For current disposal me-
thods, please enquire at a retailer or your local council.
Entsorgung Filter und Filterbeutel
Filter und Filterbeutel sind aus umweltverträglichen Mate-
rialien hergestellt. Sofern sie keine Substanzen enthalten,
die für den Hausmüll verboten sind, können sie über den
normalen Hausmüll entsorgt werden.

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