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In case of electrical or mechanical malfunction,
immediately switch off the tool and disconnect the
In case of current interruption or when the plug is
accidentally pulled out, unlock the on/off switch im-
mediately and put it in the OFF-position in order to
prevent uncontrolled restarting
• Do not apply so much pressure on the tool that it
comes to a standstill
Before you put down the tool, switch off the motor
and ensure that all moving parts have come to a
complete standstill
After switching off the tool, never stop the rotation of
the accessory by a lateral force applied against it
(U.K. ONLY):
Do not connect the blue (= neutral) or brown (= live)
wire in the cord of this tool to the earth terminal of
the plug
If for any reason the old plug is cut off the cord of
this tool, it must be disposed of safely and not left
Your machine is double insulated in accordance with
EN 50144; therefore no earthwire is required.
Make sure that the machine is not live when carrying
out maintenance work on the motor.
Regularly clean the machine housing with a soft cloth,
preferably after each use. Keep the ventilation slots
free from dust and dirt.If the dirt does not come off use
a soft cloth moistened with soapy water. Never use
solvents such as petrol, alcohol, ammonia water, etc.
These solvents may damage the plastic parts.
The machine requires no additional lubrication.
Should a fault occur, e.g. after wear of a part, please
contact your local SBM Group dealer.
In order to prevent the machine from damage during
transport, it is delivered in a sturdy packaging. Most of
the packaging materials can be recycled. Take these
materials to the appropriate recycling locations. Take
your unwanted machines to your local SBM Group
dealer. Here they will be disposed of in an environmen-
tally safe way.
Angle polisher
1. Spindle-lock button
2. Auxiliary handle
3. On/off locking switch
4. Switch locking knob
5. Speed adjustment wheel
WARNING! Read all instructions. Failure to follow all
instructions listed below may result in electric shock,
re and/or serious injury.
• This tool should not be used by people under the
age of 16 years
Always disconnect plug from power source before
making any adjustment or changing any accessory
Use the original SBM Group accessories which can
be obtained from your SBM Group dealer
For mounting/using non- SBM Group accessories
observe the instructions of the manufacturer con-
Use only accessories with an allowable speed
matching at least the highest no-load speed of the
Connect the tool via a fault current (FI) circuit break-
er with a triggering current of 30 mA maximum
• Only use an extension cord which is intended for
outdoor use and equipped with a splashproof cou-
Before using the tool for the rst time, it is recom-
mended to receive practical information
Use completely unrolled and safe extension cords
with a capacity of 16 Amps (UK 13 Amps)
Wear protective glasses and gloves, hearing protec-
tion and sturdy shoes; when necessary, also wear
an apron
Be sure tool is switched off when plugging in
Always keep the cord away from moving parts of the
tool; direct the cord to the rear, away from the tool
If the cord is damaged or cut through while working,
do not touch the cord, but immediately disconnect
the plug; never use the tool with a damaged cord
Push spindle-lock button only when spindle is at a
Keep hands away from rotating accessories

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