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General Safety Instructions
Do not use the rotisserie in the rain.
Electrical Grounding Instructions
This appliance (rotisserie motor) is equipped with
a three-prong (grounding) plug for your protection
against shock hazard and should be plugged
directly into a properly grounded three-prong
receptacle. DO NOT cut or remove the grounding
prong from this plug.
Keep any electrical supply cords and the fuel
supply hose away from any heated surfaces.
The Spare L.P. Gas Tank Barrier must be installed
to prevent storage of spare L.P. Gas Tanks. Failure to
comply with these instructions could result in
a fire or explosion that could cause serious
bodily injury, death, or property damage.
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flames.
3. Open grill hood.
4. If odor continues, immediately call
your gas supplier and local
Fire Department.
This appliance is not intended to be installed
in or on recreational vehicles or boats.
NOTE: DO NOT operate the main burners and
infrared back burner at the same time. This can
cause warping of the roll top grill hood.
DO NOT use the grill in garages, breezeways, sheds
or any enclosed area. Never operate the grill in
enclosed areas as this could lead to a carbon
monoxide buildup, which could result in injury or
death. Place the grill on a level surface. Avoid
moving the grill while it is in operation.
Always have a qualified service technician perform
difficult conversions or modifications.
Never attach an unregulated gas line to the
appliance. Connection to an unregulated gas
line can cause excessive heat or fire
DO NOT store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
An L.P. cylinder not connected for use shall not be
stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
DO NOT try lighting this appliance without reading the
"LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS" section of this manual.
Installation must conform with local codes

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Boretti Bernini 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Français - 56 pagina's

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