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Any other use of this device is considered to be contrary to the
intended use and may result in damage to materials or even
personal injury.
Suitable Microwave Tableware
The ideal material for use in a microwave is transparent and
allows the microwave radiation to heat the food evenly.
Microwaves are not able to penetrate metal, so that no metal
vessels or plates should be used.
Do not use any paper dishes made of recycled material as
these may contain small amounts of metal, which may result
in sparks or fi res.
Round/oval dishes and plates are more suitable than rectan-
gular ones as the food in the corners may overcook.
The list below is intended to help you select suitable microwave
Suitable for
Heat-resistant glass vessel yes
Non-heat-resistant glass vessel no
Heat-resistant ceramic vessel/plate yes
Plastic vessels suitable for microwave use yes
Kitchen roll yes
Metal tray no
Aluminium foil and foil containers no
Initial Operation
After removing all the accessories from inside the oven, un-
pack them and place the sliding ring in the middle. Position
the glass plate on the drive axle in such a way that it locks
into the dents of the drive shafts and is lying fl at.
Check the device for any visible damage, particularly in the
area of the door. If any damage is found, the machine must
not be used.
In order to avoid interference to other machines when the
microwave oven is operated, do not place it in the direct
vicinity of other electronic devices.
Remove any protective foils that may be adhered to the
Insert the mains plug into a properly installed 230 V, 50 Hz
power socket.
Do not remove any installed parts from inside the oven or from
inside the door!
Using the Device
What you should know about microwave operation
Your device works with microwave radiation, which heats up
water particles in food in a very short time. There is no heat
radiation and therefore hardly any browning.
Only food should be heated up with this device.
The device is not suitable for baking in fl oating fat.
Only 1-2 portions should be heated up at the same time.
Otherwise the microwave will become less effi cient.
In order to interrupt the cooking process, turned the timer to „0“.
Microwaves provide their full energy levels immediately. Pre-
heating is therefore not necessary.
Never operate the microwave function when the oven is
The microwave oven does not replace your traditional
cooker. It is used mainly for:
defrosting deep-frozen food
rapid warming/heating of food or drinks
• cooking meals
Please do not use any plastic or paper tableware.
1. Place the food to be heated in a suitable piece of tableware.
2. Open the door and place the vessel in the middle of the
glass plate. Then close the door. (For safety reasons the
oven only operates when the door is tightly closed.)
3. Adjust the microwave power as required:
Labelling Value
in %*
Field of Application
17 Melting cheese etc.
M.LOW Defrosting 33 Defrosting frozen food
MED Low 55 Continued cooking
M. HIGH Medium 77 Cooking e.g. meat
HIGH High 100 Rapid heating
* 100 % - 700W
4. Set the required cooking time with the timer.
The cooking time depends on the quantity and constituency
of the contents of the oven. With a little practice you will
soon learn to estimate the cooking time.
preparation of food in a microwave oven is very much
faster than in a conventional cooker. Set the cooking
time to a low level if you are not sure and continue
cooking again if necessary.
once the cooking time is set the oven switches itself
on. The light inside the oven goes on.
if you would like to set times shorter than 3 minutes,
turn the button past the 10 minutes mark and then
back. The timer will then run more accurately.
Please note: a cover should be placed over the food
when operating the microwave.
5. When the time has fi nished the oven switches off automati-
cally. A sound is heard. The food should then be removed.
05-MW 2226 CB.indd 3105-MW 2226 CB.indd 31 04.08.2008 9:31:08 Uhr04.08.2008 9:31:08 Uhr
The fi rm C. Bomann GmbH does not accept any liability for
damage caused as a result of the use of this device contrary to
its intended use.

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