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General Safety Instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully before putting the appliance into operation and
keep the instructions including the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box with the
internal packing.
The appliance is designed exclusively for private use and for the envisaged purpose.
This appliance is not fi t for commercial use.
Keep the device away from heat, direct sunshine and sharp edges.
Do not use the appliance with wet hands.
Do not use the device in a damp or humid environment.
In order to avoid an electric shock, this device must not be exposed to dripping water or
water spray.
Before disposing of the device, remove the batteries and return them to a corresponding
battery collection point.
Pay careful attention to the following “Special Safety Instructions“.
In order to ensure your children‘s safety, please keep all packaging (plastic bags, boxes,
polystyrene etc.) out of their reach.
Caution! Do not allow small children to play with the foil as there is a danger of suffo-
To protect children from the dangers posed by electrical appliances, make sure that the
cable is hanging low and that children do not have access to the appliance.
Special Safety Instructions for this Device
The milk foamer should always be immersed in the liquid before it is switched on.
Please do not use the foamer if the axle is bent.
This device should only be used for the purpose intended.
Please do not immerse the housing in water.
Before Initial Use
Please wipe off the milk foamer with a moist cloth before initial use or when it has not been
used for a prolonged period.
Inserting the Batteries (Batteries are not supplied)
The battery compartment is located under the on/off switch. Push open the battery
compartment lock to the side.
05-MS 344 CB 29 15.02.2007, 15:06:11 Uhr

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