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Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you
will enjoy using the appliance.
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Symbols in these Instructions for UseSymbols in these Instructions for Use
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Important information for your safety is specially
marked. It is essential to comply with these instru
tions in order to avoid accidents and prevent damage
to the machine:
This warns you of dangers to your health and ind
cates possible injury risks.
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or
other objects.
This highlights tips and information.
General Notes
General NotesGeneral Notes
General Notes
Read the operating instructions carefully before pu
ting the appliance into operation and keep the i
structions including the warranty and the receipt. If
you give this device to other people, please also
pass on the operating instructions.
: The
illustrations in this instruction manual
can deviate from the original
Special safety information for t
Special safety information for tSpecial safety information for t
Special safety information for t
: :
Danger from electrical current!
Danger from electrical current! Danger from electrical current!
Danger from electrical current!
nents can be fatal!
nents can be fatal!nents can be fatal!
nents can be fatal!
Make sure that the a
ppliance is turned off from the power supply (fuse) before
changing the bulb in the oven.
The use of high-
uids can lead to electric shock
Thank you for choosing our product. We hope you
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Symbols in these Instructions for UseSymbols in these Instructions for Use
Symbols in these Instructions for Use
Important information for your safety is specially
marked. It is essential to comply with these instru
tions in order to avoid accidents and prevent damage
This warns you of dangers to your health and ind
This refers to possible hazards to the machine or
This highlights tips and information.
Read the operating instructions carefully before pu
ting the appliance into operation and keep the i
structions including the warranty and the receipt. If
you give this device to other people, please also
illustrations in this instruction manual
The appliance is
designed exclusively for private
use and for the envisaged purpose. This appl
ance is not fit for commercial use.
The appliance is only to be used as described in
the user manual. Do not use the appliance for any
other purpose. Any other use is not intend
can result in damages or personal injuries.
Operate the appliance only
Do not use it outdoors. Keep it away from sources
of heat, direct sun
light and
Do not operate the appliance
When not in use, for
works or with disruption
, switch off the appliance
and disconnect the plug
the lead) or turn off the fuse.
The appliance and
if possible
to be checked regu
larly for s
damage is fou
nd the appliance must not be used.
For safety reasons, alterations or modifications of
the appliance are
In order to ensure your children’s safety, please
keep all packaging (plastic bags, boxes, polyst
rene etc.
) out of their reach.
Do not allow small children to play with the foil.
There is a
danger of suffocation!
danger of suffocation!danger of suffocation!
danger of suffocation!
Special safety information for t
Special safety information for tSpecial safety information for t
Special safety information for t
his Unit
his Unithis Unit
his Unit
Danger from electrical current!
Danger from electrical current! Danger from electrical current!
Danger from electrical current!
Contact with live
Contact with live Contact with live
Contact with live
leads or comp
leads or compleads or comp
leads or comp
ppliance is turned off from the power supply (fuse) before
changing the bulb in the oven.
pressure cleaners or steam cleaners is prohibited. Ingress of li
uids can lead to electric shock
. Put the appliance never under water.
designed exclusively for private
use and for the envisaged purpose. This appl
ance is not fit for commercial use.
The appliance is only to be used as described in
the user manual. Do not use the appliance for any
other purpose. Any other use is not intend
ed and
can result in damages or personal injuries.
Operate the appliance only
properly installed
properly installedproperly installed
properly installed.
Do not use it outdoors. Keep it away from sources
light and
Do not operate the appliance
without supervision.
, user maintenance
, switch off the appliance
the plug itself, not
the lead) or turn off the fuse.
if possible
the mains lead have
larly for s
igns of damage. If
nd the appliance must not be used.
For safety reasons, alterations or modifications of
In order to ensure your children’s safety, please
keep all packaging (plastic bags, boxes, polyst
) out of their reach.
Do not allow small children to play with the foil.
danger of suffocation!
danger of suffocation!danger of suffocation!
danger of suffocation!
leads or comp
leads or compleads or comp
leads or comp
ppliance is turned off from the power supply (fuse) before
pressure cleaners or steam cleaners is prohibited. Ingress of li
. Put the appliance never under water.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bomann EBO 9611 IX

Bomann EBO 9611 IX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

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