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Model: HSM-T09D5
User Manual
Handrests with padded foam
Hand Pulse
Running surface 100*34CM
Speed range: 1-10KM/H
12 pre-set programs / 1 manual
4 Speed Quick Start Keys
Fitshow APP
iPad Holder
2 Water Bottle Holders
Safety Key (emergency stop)
Manual Incline(3 levels)
Transport wheels
Easy to Use Control Pad displaying
Speed, Time, Distance, Calories, Pulse
and Pre-set Programs
Product Dimensions
126 x 60 x 120cm Motor Power 735W
Product Dimensions
120 x 60 x 68cm Rated Voltage/
220-240V 50 /
Max User Weight 110kg Machine Weight 24kg
CE Certied
LCD Display Speed, Time, Distance, Calories,Pulse
Remove the treadmill and other components from the packaging – save the packaging
until you have fully assembled and tested the treadmill. Note, returns must be returned in
the original packaging for safety reasons.
If any of the components are missing, damaged in transit or simply don’t work, please
contact the Customer Care team immediately for further instructions. Note, do not try to
resolve any issues yourself as this could lead to further damage or injury.
Allen Key x 1
Lubricant x 1
Safety Key (emergency stop) x 1
Decorative Handrest Cover x 2
Safety Locks (to fold and unfold) x 2
Control Pad Locks x 2
5 easy steps to assemble your treadmill then you’re ready to workout.
Treadmill Frame Handrests, Control Pad
and iPad Holder
Tool Kit
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5
Place the Treadmill
frame on the ground,
pull the spring cotter to
open the frame upright.
Screw the safety lock in
place to keep the frame
upright and secure.
Screw off bolts/washers on two stand co-
lumns ,x the handrests and Control Pad onto
the stand columns, using the bolts/washers
to x and place the decorative covers over
the bolts.
Connect the Control Pad signal cable (A) to
the signal cable on the frame (B).
Screw off the small silver bolt on the back-
side of control panel. Mounting the control
panel Align the control panel and iPad Holder
with two black screws, screwing in place
tightly by hand. WARNING - Internal wire, do
not rotate the control panel!

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