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1 Important safety instructions
This section contains safety instructions
that will help protect from risk of personal
injury or property damage. Failure to
follow these instructions shall void any
General safety
Never place the product on a carpet-
covered floor; otherwise, lack of
airflow beneath the machine will
cause electrical parts to overheat.
This will cause problems with your
Do not operate the product if the
power cable / plug is damaged. Call
the Authorized Service Agent.
Do not make any changes on the
plug supplied with the product. If it is
not compatible with the socket, have
a qualified electrician change the
socket with a suitable one.
Never touch the plug with wet hands!
Never unplug by pulling on the cable,
always pull out by grabbing the plug.
Connect the product to a grounded
outlet protected by a fuse of suitable
capacity as stated in the technical
specifications table.
Power cable of this product is
equipped with a conductor and
a grounding plug that allows for
grounding the product. This plug
must be inserted into a socket
which is installed and grounded in
accordance with the local laws and
regulations. Grounding installation
decreases the risk of electric shock
by opening a path with low resistance
for the electricity flow in case of a
malfunction or failure. Do not neglect
to have the grounding installation
made by a qualified electrician.
If you have any suspect about
the grounding installation, have it
checked by a qualified electrician or
the Authorized Service Agent. Our
company shall not be liable for any
damages that will arise when the
product is used without grounding in
accordance with the local regulations.
The product should not be plugged
in during installation, maintenance,
cleaning and repair works.
Always have the installation and
repairing procedures carried out
by the Authorized Service Agent.
Manufacturer shall not be held
liable for damages that may arise
from procedures carried out by
unauthorized persons.
Do not use electrical devices in the
Do not connect the air exit of the
product to the chimney holes which
are used for the exhaust fumes of the
devices operating with gas or other
types of fuel.
You must provide enough ventilation
in order to prevent gases exiting from
devices operating with other types of
fuels including the naked flame from
accumulating in the room due to the
back fire effect.
Pay attention that the air inlet
openings are unobstructed
Items cleaned or washed with
gasoil/fuel oil, dry-laundry solvents
and other combustible or explosive
materials as well as the items that are
contaminated or spotted with such
materials should not be dried in the
product since they emit flammable or
explosive vapor.
Do not dry the laundry cleaned with
industrial chemicals in the dryer.
Underwear that contains metal
reinforcements should not be dried in

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