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Read the Instructions carefully and Keep for Future Reference
WARNING: When the appliance is operated in the combination mode, children
should only use the oven under adult supervision due to the temperatures
WARNING: If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be operated
until it has been repaired by a competent person;
WARNING: It is hazardous for anyone other than a competent person to carry out
any service or repair operation that involves the removal of a cover which gives
protection against exposure to microwave energy;
WARNING: Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since
they are liable to explode
WARNING: Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate
instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way
and understands the hazards of improper use;
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens when heating
food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the oven due to the
possibility of ignition;
If smoke is observed, switch of or unplug the appliance and keep the door
closed in order to stifle any flames;
Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore
care must be taken when handling the container;
The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be stirred or shaken
and the temperature checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns;
Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in
microwave ovens since they may explode, even after microwave heating has
The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits removed;
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of
the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly
result in a hazardous situation;
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its
service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is

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