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Thanks for choosing Blaupunkt !
Congratulations on your purchase of your new Blaupunkt Velocity-Series subwoofers. We have
invested tremendous effort in the design process of the new Blaupunkt Velocity-Series subwoofers.
Reference series, in order to achieve superior musical performance.
For maximum performance and reliability we highly recommend that your new Blaupunkt Velocity-
Series subwoofers be installed by an authorised Blaupunkt dealer. By using our Blaupunkt Velocity-
Series component speakers and amplifiers you can be assured of making the best out of your high-
quality audio hi-fi system without spoiling the sound by using components of inferior quality.
For additional information on the Blaupunkt Product Line (technical data, user notes and soon also a
simulation programme for subwoofer housings) visit our Internet site at: http://www.blaupunkt.com
We provide a manufacturer guarantee for our products bought within the European Union. You can
view the guarantee conditions at www.blaupunkt.de or ask for them directly at:
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
31139 Hildesheim
Safety precautions
Before starting to mount your speakers, please read carefully the instructions on installation and
Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before carrying out installation and connection work.
Observe the vehicle manufacturer’s safety instructions (regarding airbags, alarm systems, trip
computers, vehicle immobilisers).
When drilling holes, take care to avoid damage to vehicle components (battery, cables, fuse boxes).
Do not mount the subwoofer onto flexible rear decks (hatchback vehicles) or anywhere where they may
fall forward.
Sound is created by the movement of the woofer
cone back and forth. If a woofer cone moves
forward creating a positive pressure wave, this
same motion creates a negative pressure at the
back of the woofer. If these two waves combine
due to the lack of a wall separating the front of
the speaker sound from the back, the output
from the woofer is effectively cancelled thus
substantially reducing the bass output of the
speaker. This wall is absolutely necessary and is
referred to as an acoustical “baffle”. It can be
accomplished using a box of some kind or sim-
ply the rear package shelf of an automobile to
isolate the front and back waves of the speaker.

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