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Velocity ReferenceAmplifier VR 450
The amplifier is suitable for connecting to car radios with cinch connector.
Use the Blaupunkt ISO-Cinch Adapter for connecting to car radios with
ISO connector.
Possibilities for use and switching:
VR 450
Max Power 4x100 / 2x300 W Fig. 5
4 Ohm
Max Power 4x150 / 2x400 W Fig. 5
2 Ohm
Max Power 4x200 W Fig. 5
1 Ohm
RMS Power 4x50 / 2x150 W Fig. 5
4 Ohm (THD @ 0.05 %)
RMS Power 4x75 / 2x200 W Fig. 5
2 Ohm (THD @ 0.07 %)
RMS Power 4x100 W Fig. 5
1 Ohm (THD @ 0.08 %)
Freq. response 10 Hz - 70 kHz
- 3 dB
Signal-to-Noise > 95 dB
Input Level 0,3 - 8 V
High Pass 40 - 250 Hz
Low Pass 40 - 120 Hz
(18 dB / Oct.)
Dimensions 232.6 x 59.5 x 480
WxHxD (mm)
Allows you to drive two loudspeakers and to connect a third speaker
in mono operation (bridged mode).
Positive/negative connections
We recommend a minimum cross-section of 16 mm
. Lay commercially
available positive cable to the battery and connect using fuse holder. The
fuse holder should be connected close to the battery.
Use cable bushings at sharp-edged holes. Screw the commercially
available negative cable firmly to an interference-free earthing-point (car
body bolt, car body sheet, but not to the negative battery pole). Scrape
the contact surface of the earthing point until it is blank metal and coat
with graphite grease.
Connection examples:
Connection of power supply........................................................ Fig. 2
Connection of car radio with cinch output ................................... Fig. 3
Connection of car radio with loudspeaker output ........................ Fig. 4
Loudspeaker connections ........................................................... Fig. 5
When connecting via the cinch or loudspeaker sockets of the car radio
the switch cable must be connected.
Controller (GAIN)
Using the Gain Controller you can adjust the input sensitivity of the
Velocity Power Amplifier to the output voltage of your car radio pre-
amplifier output.
The adjusting range is from 0.3 V to 8 V.
When connecting a car radio from other manufacturers the input sensitivity
should be adapted in accordance with the specifications of the
Introduction (GB)
Congratulations on purchasing this high-quality Car Audio Amplifier. The
development work invested in the new Velocity Amplifier offers you
complete music enjoyment in your car. Our Velocity Amplifiers are fitted
with all typical product features expected from a high-end amplifier, but
also contain a number of technical highlights as well, such as:
1 ohm stability (only in stereo mode) for low-ohm amplifier systems
with high performance
Variable frequency dividers for high and low pass setting
Variable input voltage 0.3 - 8 V
Transistors for power supply using MOSPET technology
Gold-plated screw connectors for loudspeaker and power supply
Preamp-Out and -In gold-plated
Chrome-plated amplifier housing
To achieve the best possible sound quality from your new Velocity
Amplifier we recommend that it is installed by an authorised Velocity
dealer and that the matching Velocity Loudspeaker system is used. This
is the way to obtain the full enjoyment of the performance of your
Let us finally mention the aspect of health safety. Please remember when
listening to music in your car that constant sound-pressure levels of more
than 100 dB can cause permanent damage to the human ear right up to
complete loss of hearing. Sound-pressure levels of more than 130 dB
can be achieved with modern high-performance systems and high-
quality loudspeaker configurations.
You can also obtain further information on our Velocity Series at our
Internet address http://www.velocity.de
Safety instructions
Rules to be observed in fitting and connection
Disconnect the negative pole of the car battery for the duration of the
installation and connection works.
The safety instructions of the car manufacturer (airbag, alarm systems,
on-board computers, engine immobilizers) must be observed.
With regard to accident prevention the Velocity power amplifier must be
affixed in a professional manner. The mounting surface must be suitable
for accepting the enclosed screws and must offer secure installation.
When drilling holes please ensure that no car components are damaged
(battery, cables, fuse box).
The amplifier should be installed at a suitable location, i.e. under the
seats or in the boot, Fig. 1.
A dry position should be selected for the installation location that
guarantees sufficient air circulation for the cooling of the amplifier.
Use cable bushings at sharp-edged holes.
Use loudspeakers with 1-2-4 ohm impedance. Pay attention to the max.
loading (music output).
Use 16 mm
loudspeaker connection cables. Do not connect the
loudspeakers to earth, use only the designated terminals.
The cross-section of the positive and negative cable may not be less than
16 mm
Fit a fuse holder to the positive cable between the battery and the
amplifier directly at the battery.
8 622 401 875

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