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Frankfurt RCM 82
Front Panel Description
Switch on the set by turning the knob.
Volume control:
by turning the knob
SCAN (search operation):
Pressing the knob for approx. 1 sec. will
either sample the programmes to be recei-
ved during radio operation or the follow-
ing CD songs during CD operation (CD
changer only).
2 GEO button (broader interior sound
Balance (left/right volume):
Adjust with rocker switch <</>> I.
Fader (front/rear volume):
Adjust with rocker switch
/ J.
3 AUD button
Treble - Reproduction of the high fre-
Adjust with rocker switch <</>> I.
BASS - Reproduction of the low fre-
Adjust with rocker switch
/ J.
4 LD button (Loudness)
Press this button to boost the bass fre-
quencies at low volumes. This will lead to
a more natural sound impression.
5 DSC button (Direct Software Control)
This button is used for programming
special functions of your car stereo.
6 AF button
When AF is on and RDS activated, the
radio will automatically tune to a fre-
quency offering better reception of the
same programme.
7 lo button
This button is used for altering the sen-
sitivity of the automatic station seek
lo - normal sensitivity (lo G e is indi-
dx - high sensitivity (lo G e disap-
Additional function of the lo button:
Switching from stereo to mono: Press
for longer than 2 seconds.
button (Dolby-NR)
Use this button to activate noise
suppression during tape playback.
9 MTL button (metal)
Press this button when chromium dioxi-
de (CrO
) or metal cassettes are play-
ed. Switch off this function by
pressing the MTL button once again.
: button (Autoreverse)
Automatic change from one side of the
tape to the other
; Cassette compartment
< FR button
Fast rewinding of the tape.
Stop with FF button.
= Cassette eject
Press both buttons.
> FF button
Fast forwarding of the tape.
Stop with FR button.
? RM button (Radio Monitor)
Use this button to listen to the radio
while advancing or rewinding the tape.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 13 pagina's

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch, English - 13 pagina's

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 19 pagina's

Blaupunkt frankfurt rcm 82 Installatiehandleiding - Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl, Svenska - 13 pagina's

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