Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Blaupunkt stands for technical
know-how in mobile radio recep-
tion, for precise navigation systems
and fi rst-class sound. The blue dot
made its debut in 1923 as a seal
of quality that was assigned after
rigourous functional – and it still ap-
plies today. At that time as well as
today, the blue dot identifi es prod-
ucts of extraordinary quality.
About these
Please read these instructions and,
in particular, the chapter entitled
"For your safety" (next section) in
their entirety before using the de-
Additional documentation
CD changer instructions
Instructions for the optional
steering wheel remote control
For your safety
The device was manufactured ac-
cording to the state of the art and
established safety guidelines. Even
so, dangers may occur if you do not
observe the safety information:
Read these instructions carefully
and completely before using the
Keep the instructions at a loca-
tion so that they are always ac-
cessible to all users.
Always pass on the device to
third parties together with these
Use as directed
The device is designed for use in
automobiles. Special information
about the navigation of campers,
busses and trucks, such as altitude
limitations or maximum permissible
road load, is not included on the
navigation CD.
Navigation off the roads (offroad)
is not possible with the ROME
If you are installing device
You may only install the device
yourself if you are experienced in
installing car sound systems and
navigation systems and are very fa-
miliar with the electrical system of
the vehicle.
For your safety
ROME56E_eng.indd 3ROME56E_eng.indd 3 23.08.2006 15:04:50 Uhr23.08.2006 15:04:50 Uhr

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Andere handleiding(en) van Blaupunkt TravelPilot Rome Europe NAV56E

Blaupunkt TravelPilot Rome Europe NAV56E Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 90 pagina's

Blaupunkt TravelPilot Rome Europe NAV56E Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 90 pagina's

Blaupunkt TravelPilot Rome Europe NAV56E Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Français - 90 pagina's

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